Recent content by Scampdog


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  1. S

    My order

    :mysmilie_481::mysmilie_378::mysmilie_504::star::clapping:All sorted :clapping:, my thanks to Sarah thats what I call "customer service"
  2. S

    My order

    That is very kind of you !, have just sent you a message :mysmilie_504:
  3. S

    My order

    For the first time in "years" I ordered from Gems over the weekend, three pair of earings (for Christmas pressys), I have just recieved my order but it contained only two pair, on checking I find I have two seperate order numbers and two lots of P&P, the last pair of earings were only £4 so I...
  4. S

    Well done Ideal world !!

    He is !, it will help with the long drop in the hall, and will be safer for him !
  5. S

    Well done Ideal world !!

    Well that I;m not sure of !, we have had the wallpaper for well over 6 months :mysmilie_81: so as long as its this year I'll be pleased !
  6. S

    Switched Off

    I missed him too ! I think he is quite "infectious" that sounds awful but you know what I mean (I hope !). :mysmilie_17:
  7. S

    Well done Ideal world !!

    Its been quite a while since I ordered anything from IW, in the past I have had all sorts of problems with delivery i.e taking ages !, not being delivered etc etc !.....but OH spotted the all singing all dancing ladders a week or so ago and decieded he needed them in order to decorate the hall...
  8. S

    poor excuse after poor excuse

    I have only just started watching the channel !, I like it !, I love Steve presenting, the prices look good, even the start prices look "realistic" !, the presenters dont "show fake amazement" which is why I stopped watching the other jewellry channels !. I made my first purchase today so I will...
  9. S

    I saw Julian and Pipa at the doctors today!

    Same here !, I keep seeing them but have not a clue what they are going on about !, my surgery has a local radio station on
  10. S

    Northern Nights Bedding

    I have just returned my heavyweight TSV from before Christmas !, I ordered the so called "stone" option which looked like Khaki to me !!...the darker coloured fabric was hard not fluffy and felt thineer than my normal flannel NN bedding !!....anyway I thought I would wash it use it and wash it...
  11. S

    Christmas Card ?

    I would really like to know the criteria for getting a christmas card from QVC !, is it sales, amount spent, etc etc ??....mine must be "stuck" in the post :mysmilie_61:
  12. S

    Latest Charlie Bears

    I got two Christmas cards this morning from the bear house :mysmilie_696:...
  13. S

    NN heavyweight TSV ?

    Did anyone else order this set ? and what do you think of it ?, I ordered the brownish/coffee coloured set !, and am very disappointed with the feel the bottom sheet is not "fluffy" at all and I cant even say the duvet cover is as soft as my "normal" NN set !, is it just me ??:(
  14. S

    OMG i found a Pompoos Fashion Item

    That hour went sooooo quickly ! :flower:
  15. S

    OMG i found a Pompoos Fashion Item

    I want a Harald for Christmas :clapping::clapping::flower:, have Jedward had an effect on Amanda's hair ??