Recent content by rubia


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  1. R

    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

    Is there any hope of this channel finding its way back? No! I don't think so, not as long as they have the likes of DT, Angeline and Ellis they will never give up their egos won't allow them. I find them really offensive they lie, think we are idiots on the list goes on. Knowingly sell poor...
  2. R

    "House of Kimbie" - Ellis, really?

  3. R

    Lidl offers

    Thanks for the information it's always appreciated I do like to know these things. I'm hanging on in with Oud one but I'm pretty sure I won't be buying again. Imo it's not as good as the Garden one. My only real worry is they will either sell out or discontinue. It really doesn't bear thinking...
  4. R

    Lidl offers

    Mine too! Need more as I am spreading round the house. The our one is ok but not a patch on the Green Garden. So happy you talked me into buying them.
  5. R

    Price Increase - Even More Ridiculous?

    I would be right behind you checking it out.
  6. R

    Gemporia 'Downfall'

    This is NOT good. Quite the opposite it's quite frightening.
  7. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    I'm out!
  8. R

    Random musings and general banter.

    The what?
  9. R

    Gemporia 'Downfall'

    Oh I'm sure it will as TJC are really good at it, although if you go on line and check it sometimes the metal weight is there. I suspect they hope you don't.
  10. R

    Gemporia 'Downfall'

    More to be aware of .
  11. R

    Aldi Health & Beauty

    Really need to go now they sound great.
  12. R

    Aldi Health & Beauty

    To tell the truth I forgot about it! Need my wrist slapped, will do better.
  13. R

    Hi all

    Hello Annie welcome
  14. R

    ASA Ruling (Upheld) - More Misleading

    The latter it is. I agree.
  15. R

    Jenny Blackhurst 😯

    Just awful really.