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    rubia reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread How do they get away with it with Like Like.
    Mark selling two 6” LED Christmas Decorations that you can usually picked up for under £10 each. TJC ….wait for it…..£120.99 but you do...
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    rubia reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Birthday event with Like Like.
    So, if they can't get hold of gemstones any more, how come they keep 'opening' the SB vault? Which implies they have 'tons' of the stuff...
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    rubia reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    Watching Style. Trying to work out what Fitzgerald is wearing on her feet/legs? Looks weird with the MW dress. Maybe Marge Proops the...
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    rubia reacted to candycane's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    "Marge Proops" :LOL::LOL::LOL::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Post of the year. CC
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    rubia reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    Thank you. Wasn’t sure if anyone would remember her.
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    rubia reacted to historymystery's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Like Like.
    I think you're right. It will go out with a bang, rather than a whimper, now you see it, now you don't scenario. The whole thing...
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    rubia reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    Something is definitely 'off' with this woman.
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    rubia reacted to madaunty's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    J Just been for a nosey…ooh, you’re not wrong. Fake tan look a bit iffy as well, and you’d have thought she could afford a better...
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    rubia reacted to candycane's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    Well yes! Jilly is one of the more real presenters and one of my favourites. At the moment I'm watching "look at me, look at me" Alison...
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    rubia reacted to Duke of Cheese's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    On the rare occasions, I do switch on (there is only so much make-up and clothes shows a heterosexual male can stand), all I ever see at...
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    rubia reacted to candycane's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    My mum had it done as well and she said it changes your life even if it was costly. Thankfully I'm not at that stage yet 👓 CC
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    rubia reacted to Looby Loo's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    My sister who is 70 has worn glasses since she was 18 months old until she too had cataract surgery last year, no glasses now, she...
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    rubia reacted to madaunty's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    My FIL has just had cataract surgery on both eyes. He asked his wife what she had been doing to the grass in the garden to get it so...
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    rubia reacted to ERICS MUM's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
    I used to wear glasses, or contact lenses if I could be bothered with the palaver of putting them in. But at the beginning of this year...
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    rubia reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Birthday event with Like Like.
    What they really mean is, they aren't available for the price they're willing to pay for them.