Recent content by Rrrrr d-d-d


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  1. R

    Bose TSV 20.11.10

    i missed out :(
  2. R

    Bose TSV 20.11.10

    has this sold out?
  3. R


    what does it say?
  4. R

    Omg - jr in tiana dress

    anyone got pics of Julia in this dress? :heart:
  5. R


    so if Catherine did indeed accept, then what? would you write on her wall like you know her? start a poke war with her? flick through her pics? its bad enough her place of work is broadcast to millions, maybe she just wants to keep some facets of her life personal?
  6. R

    Panasonic TV

    the dixons tV isn't the same model. it's the version without the internet widgets. this is the one QVC are doing
  7. R

    Hi-Yech Toys & Electronics TSV tonight?

    Think I saw this in PC world today for £130, so its a good price at least... :nod:
  8. R

    TSV: Sharp LC40LE600E TV

    but not with the bluray player...
  9. R

    Samsung SMX - C10

    i'm pretty sure QVC only compare themselves against the high street, internet retails work on ridiculous margins
  10. R

    Tonights TSV DVR

    yeah, i only get about 12 tv channels without it, so I wasn't expecting much from it, just the ability to record my soaps & the inbetweeners :) but I got all the tv and radio channels when I connected my aerial to it, I was very suprised! has this sold out yet?
  11. R

    Tonights TSV DVR

    I'm watching this TSV, on my TVonics box, I have the 160GB version!!! It's a lovely bit of kit, even boosts my tv reception. Shame I didnt get it at the TSV price :(
  12. R

    Camcorder TSV

    you can connect this to an HD TV via the component lead supplied and it plays in 1080i from what I've read on it
  13. R

    TSV : Samsung LE37B650

    would you really trust ebay enough to spend near £800?
  14. R

    Samsung TSV 17 Jan v NC10 netbook

    wow a whole £5! TBH, i've been screwed over a few times with play, I'd be more inclined to trust QVC
  15. R

    Returns after the 30 day guarantee ?

    i have the aiptek and it works fine with Vista. re: the files beng deleted, try connecting it to the PC with the camera open