There have been quite a few crimes against fashion committed by QVC over the years. Quacker Factory 😖 Would look great on someone overweight and living in Florida (I'm a size 16 myself, so I don't think I'm being too harsh there!) and don't get me started on Wynne Layers. Shapeless, frumpy...
Those shoeboots are horrendous aren't they? 😖 I used to think the same about those god-awful toe post things she used to wear. They probably walked themselves to the bin in the end she wore them that much.
One particular habit of younger TV presenters in general is the addition of an 'h' to a word where it's not needed, e.g. 'shtretch', 'shtress' etc. Maybe it's just me being cranky and middle-aged but it drives me mad 😆
I've never dabbled with fake tan personally. A combination of the smell and the absolute faff of it has seen to that 😆 It's either the real deal from holidays or cheating with sheer nude tights for me 🙂
Chloe Everton really does love checking herself out in the monitor, usually while the BA she's hosting with is talking. Both rude and vain at the same time.