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  • R
    Rachell reacted to Sazza's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Like Like.
    Getting plus size won't help, my mum was plus size many years ago and her fingers were tiny. I was several clothes sizes smaller than...
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    Rachell reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Haha Haha.
    You know, DT's been on so much today, he mentioned being on this morning too. On as I write too. Once he's on screen you can't get rid...
  • R
    Rachell replied to the thread Investment - A passing thought..
    I’ve said it before on this forum, but I am someone that struggles to sleep and I do actually put Gemporia on in the night sometimes to...
  • R
    Rachell reacted to stratobuddy's post in the thread More Gemporia BS! with Like Like.
    Anything becomes a gemstone if you add "ite" to the name, even sh...
  • R
    Rachell replied to the thread Gemporia Online.
    Reading online, it looks like they were not. And they were also not related to the British Woolworths we had over here. I remember...
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    Rachell reacted to Jojo1's post in the thread Gemporia Online with Like Like.
    Yep, Woolworths Holdings, luxury goods merchant, is based in South Africa, and Woolworths Group has supermarkets across Australia and...
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    Rachell reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Quartzite Jade REALLY! with Like Like.
    Not necessarily speaking personally, but even if I were, it's highly depressing that many buyers will be disappointed. Gullible isn't...
  • R
    Rachell reacted to Ant7t's post in the thread Quartzite Jade REALLY! with Like Like.
    I read that as only 3 months too. And, I am not the grammar police, or whatever they're called, but YOU'RE welcome and IT'S (or sounding...
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    Rachell replied to the thread Hot Cuppa.
    Yeah, most people I know use cuppa too, and I’m in my 30’s. Someone asked me if I wanted to get a cuppa with them today at work.
  • R
    Rachell replied to the thread Gemporia Online.
    I did not know that Country Road was owned by a different Woolworths! Going to have to give that some googling now to learn about
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    Rachell reacted to Jojo1's post in the thread Gemporia Online with Like Like.
    We have Woolies in Australia (formerly known as Safeway) and the South African company also called Woolworths took over one of our...
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    Rachell reacted to Always complaining's post in the thread Quartzite Jade REALLY! with Like Like.
    Why on earth would anyone here be ‘sour grapes’ . It’s not as if buying from Gemporia is a privilege that is denied to us. We are all...
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    Rachell reacted to recoveringgemaholic's post in the thread Quartzite Jade REALLY! with Like Like.
    Are you on commission for this? Or do you truly believe the hype? If it’s the latter then you have my sympathy. I too was taken in by...
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    Rachell reacted to Jojo1's post in the thread Good value items with Like Like.
    Off topic, for the light sleepers on the other side of the world, you may enjoy watching the peregrine falcons of Melbourne during...
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    Rachell reacted to historymystery's post in the thread Presenters 'duetting' with Like Like.
    Make-up for stage or TV is different to how most people apply it in real life, but it's also a lot to do with the way it's applied and...