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      puffin48 reacted to mina's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      He describes accurately, is polite and pleasant, never gets flustered, never hogs the limelight. He's a role model for the rest of them...
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      puffin48 reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      He seems like a genuine, good natured man. You never know how people behave behind closed doors, but I have an idea that he is just as...
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      puffin48 reacted to candycane's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      Love Patrick, such a charming man. I like people that have no sides to them and he's one. CC
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      puffin48 replied to the thread Molton Brown.
      I have used the Rhubarb and Rose body lotion for a few years now. Its quite nice but I dont buy it from QVC cause you can get it...
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      puffin48 reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      Yes, he describes the fashions very well. But I think that Debbie Flint does a good job too, especially with shoes. Often, the BA's are...
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      puffin48 reacted to TheFamousGrouse's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      Hooray, Patrick's back. Now we'll get accurate descriptions with all the information we need. Best presenter of the lot, in my view.
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      puffin48 reacted to C-Lion's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
      I am one of them - but in the main it is because she keeps saying “you know”, which wynds me right on up. I shout no I don’t chuffing...
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      puffin48 reacted to Yorkdel's post in the thread Michael Perry with Like Like.
      Ooh, they’re all going to be gutted when they find out that he’s gay!
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      puffin48 reacted to Patsy's post in the thread Whatever happened to...? with Like Like.
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      puffin48 reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Malissa J with Like Like.
      Well, of course, now that I've remarked on her orange legs, her pins have now returned to a more normal colour. She must have changed...
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      puffin48 reacted to C-Lion's post in the thread Malissa J with Like Like.
      He has been quite poorly. He took over a year off work. As Grizelda says it was cancer. I am glad to see him back though and he looks...
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      puffin48 reacted to madaunty's post in the thread Malissa J with Like Like.
      I caught the last couple of minutes of the show and was left wondering if the poor woman had fallen into a vat of gravy on the way to...
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      puffin48 reacted to backstreetgirl's post in the thread Malissa J with Like Like.
      I'm just watching the programme with Miceal, what an annoying woman she is.
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      puffin48 replied to the thread Whatever happened to...?.
      Thank you. I saw the consultant this week and he is very pleased with my progress. The problem is I have to have the other one done at...
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      puffin48 reacted to candycane's post in the thread Whatever happened to...? with Like Like.
      I bought my Birkenstocks from Germany when Q discontinued them. I loved the BA, was it Nicki? It was quite reasonable to import them...
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