Recent content by piggy


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  1. P

    Hapy New Year To All My Fellow rockettes

    Happy New Year everyone. Hope 2009 is a good one. :4:
  2. P

    Empty Boxes

    hope i've done this right.
  3. P

    Empty Boxes

    Ive made a jewellry box out of some of mine, would post a pic but not sure how to do it.:33:
  4. P

    Invite Email

    Do us rockaolics get discount at the hotel. lol.:3:
  5. P

    Quickie - Basket Size?

    I have unlimited, it may go on the amount of items you purchase, ive bought nearly 100 items perhaps that the reason I was given the unlimited. Perhaps its best to contact CS and they will help.
  6. P

    Who won the 1ct Diamond ring for £89?

    A nice bargain, I think that was the sarah Bennett collection. I got the Annabella one, not sure what the difference is though if any.
  7. P

    Who won the 1ct Diamond ring for £89?

    SI2 I think, I will love it.
  8. P

    Who won the 1ct Diamond ring for £89?

    Thanks Mira. :4:
  9. P

    Who won the 1ct Diamond ring for £89?

    woop woop it was me Graham. £89 another nice bargain, just in time for my anniversary on saturday.
  10. P


    some fantastic ideas above, it would be great if somewhere on the screen just a small pic of the next item would be great.
  11. P

    Anyone else getting slightly embarrassed at the number of deliveries they receive?!

    Just had another delivery, when the delivery's first started my dogs went mad barking at the door, now the delivery man know their names and as he said they are so used to him, no more barking. lol
  12. P

    I'm going to scream!!!!!!!!!!1

    Sorry Mr. Jones, my mistake :8:
  13. P

    I'm going to scream!!!!!!!!!!1

    Mr. Jones. I dont count myself as dreadful, but I had many problems tonight with the chat and having to refresh, log out etc. I appreciate that the team are having a few teething problems, ( I felt sorry for carol tonight until she gave her big rant ) I said I would stick it out until sunday...
  14. P

    New Style Rocks

    HI AnneC, Just to pick up on a point you made, I still managed to pick up a money clip last night for £6 which was a lot cheaper than I have seen them before, so there are still bargains to be made. I am still unsure of the way the new site works, but I will reserve my final judgement until...
  15. P

    How much is too much?

    I agree M4G, some of the prices are going up because of the newbies,which is good for Rocks, they have worked hard for this, but for us dare i say oldies we were used to some nice bargains, although even at the higher price they are still bargains, I am very pleased with all my items(over 60)...