Recent content by MrsSynthetic


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  1. M

    Every time I turn on.....

    Has Marla made a guest appearance onscreen recently? Was she the brash one who used to go up to the models and adjust their clothing?
  2. M


    I am a size 9 and Clarks used to sell a limited range in their stores, but as PPs have said, they're slowly disappearing. Personally unless there's free delivery and returns I won't buy shoes online.
  3. M

    Jill Franks

    Totally agree. Personally I think that JF is an awful presenter and gives me the ick.
  4. M

    Jill Franks

    I cannot honestly believe that some woman on Facebook has taken exception to Jill Franks being referred to as a female Iggy Pop - why not? Is she her mate? Seriously the woman shills rubbish for a living!?
  5. M

    Most liked and disliked presenters on QVC?

    I'd miss his blazer/too short jeans/socks and loafers combo.
  6. M

    Most liked and disliked presenters on QVC?

    Totally agree, all Jackie K seems to do is tell everyone that she's a 5ft 10in size 12 and read out random Tweets from customers like Sue The Greenkeeper!?
  7. M

    Kipling TSV 04/02/21

    Thank you. Hopefully Marie-Francoise will promote it. Mr S won't keep lusting over MF!
  8. M

    Ninja TSV 8/1/21

    I agree about the SHOUTING! I was tempted too, it's £179 on Amazon.
  9. M

    H by Halston TSV 17/6/19

    I can never see the point of a jumpsuit. I totally agree with a PP's comment about them looking like a giant romper suit!
  10. M

    I’m in the medium.....

    JF just looks ravenous.