Recent content by Misty


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  1. Misty

    Michael Perry

    I guess you are right. I am rather rude about people sometimes. I think I have been banned for some of my comments but I am laughing when I write them, however because I’m offending some people I shall not be writing any more audacious comments and I will take this opportunity to apologise to...
  2. Misty


    🤣🤣🤣🤣 I’m not surprised.
  3. Misty

    She is everywhere !

    Her prices are very high, I have for a few things but they all went back. They’re just not worth the money. The thing I can’t stand though is that she’s besotted with herself and her stuff. She’s not the best person to model it, she’s fat and frumpy and uses her mouth too much. I’m surprised her...
  4. Misty

    Alison Young

    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 yeah!
  5. Misty

    Michael Perry

    Yes, that’s exactly what happens, he does little to nothing on every show. Someone said eye candy!!! Are they blind? I digress, my real question is does he know anything about gardening?
  6. Misty

    Charlie Brook

    I hope he does read it. Then he would realize that he’s one of the top ten most disliked people on television.
  7. Misty

    Andi Peters

    Totally inadequate man. Perhaps he was unloved as a child. He craves attention but he certainly isn’t very lovable now.
  8. Misty

    Andi Peters

    How funny but how true. I can’t stop laughing now. Brilliant 😂😂😂😂
  9. Misty

    Andi Peters

    Like a true professional Dale overcomes the childish bullish behaviour of that dreadful man. I’d like to hear more from Dale but half way through a sentence he’s usually interrupted by big mouth and the opportunity to finish is lost. Dale brushes off the rude dumpy gobby creature and carries on...
  10. Misty

    Andi Peters

    I have to agree. I wish he would fill his big mouth with food
  11. Misty

    Charlie Brook

    I totally agree with you, he is completely phoney. How does he keep his job???? He spoils every show he’s on. Oh let him go please……… he’s revolting.
  12. Misty

    Charlie Brook

    He has never been funny. In fact he’s a total bore. The only person who laughs at his so called jokes is himself and the long wait he always does waiting for his audience response never comes. Get the message Charlie.
  13. Misty

    Charlie Brook

    I find him extremely irritating and quite repulsive, and he has absolutely zero personality.
  14. Misty

    Tili x Elemis Mystery Bag

  15. Misty

    I never thought I'd say this.....

    That’s what I do. When Ophelia comes on, I’m off.