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  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Toril's post in the thread Garden Pick of the Month with Like Like.
    I’m sure they’re lovely but there’s no way I’m spending time planting 500 bulbs. The season would be over by the time I’d finished.
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Garden Pick of the Month with Like Like.
    I bust my butt planting 50 bulbs one year and not one of them came up.
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to merryone's post in the thread Kim & Co TSV 01/08/24 with Like Like.
    It's a needless garment in my opinion - serves no purpose. Get a decent jacket, or a cardigan - anything but this!
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Patsy's post in the thread Kim & Co TSV 01/08/24 with Like Like.
    Agree with the above comments no way worth that amount of money.
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Brissles's post in the thread Kim & Co TSV 01/08/24 with Like Like.
    If this was on a rack in the charity shop, I'd bypass it - typical charity shop fayre. Ugly style, cheap buttons, sludge colours.
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to TheFamousGrouse's post in the thread Kim & Co TSV 01/08/24 with Like Like.
    Agree with all points - what is this new trend for shorter jackets which we used to call Bum-Freezers? Saves on fabric in the...
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to candycane's post in the thread Comfortable, Etc. with Like Like.
    Hmmm, Simon Biagi in the Ahhh Bra. A sight worth not seeing. CC
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Choosi5050's post in the thread Kim & Co Skirt Item 406581 with Like Like.
    Absolutely agree. And I feel the same way about that “Modesty Model”. Clothes look so awful on her I’m surprised they sell anything...
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to mina's post in the thread Kim & Co Skirt Item 406581 with Like Like.
    Who sends these poor models, lovely as they are, out in outfits that are far too tight - buttons straining at the bust, skirts or "a...
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to candycane's post in the thread Kim & Co Skirt Item 406581 with Like Like.
    Satin makes you look big even if you're shaped like a wooden spoon. I'd never wear anything made of it, not even nightwear. CC
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Please with Like Like.
    I agree. She doesn't have to have it all cut off. Chin length would be a good start. I don't like it when she flicks her hair over her...
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to EleanorFrancis's post in the thread Please with Like Like.
    I don't think Julia is giving up in anyway - in fact, very much the opposite, she still loves herself and dresses more around being a...
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to mina's post in the thread Please with Like Like.
    Then she should change to one who can cut and style properly and gives honest advice. This long locks nonsense just doesn't suit...
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Rebecca Dawn's post in the thread Please with Like Like.
    Those shoeboots are horrendous aren't they? 😖 I used to think the same about those god-awful toe post things she used to wear. They...
  • Mam
    Mam reacted to Brissles's post in the thread Please with Like Like.
    Can someone kidnap those godawful toeless shoeboots that Julia is still wearing since before lockdown. She looks dreadful today - a...