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    LV73 reacted to Bea Frugal's post in the thread Old times with Like Like.
    Saw on the news last night that Lord Alli donated half a mill to labour and also about 20 grand to Starmer for clothes and specs! Same...
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    LV73 replied to the thread Old times.
    It's Age UK not Age Concern these days...its been rebranded! Done it and sent the link to my parents.
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    LV73 reacted to madaunty's post in the thread Old times with Like Like.
    Just google Age Concern and it comes up.
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    LV73 replied to the thread Old times.
    Didn't know there was one...can someone post a link please?
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    LV73 replied to the thread Old times.
    I agree with everything with one small they do have to go to the HofC to debate and for PMQs, why not put them all up in the...
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    LV73 replied to the thread Old times.
    I didn't realise that MPs got a heating allowance, that ridiculous. On their salaries it's easily affordable. What a bunch of...
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    LV73 reacted to Patsy's post in the thread Old times with Like Like.
    I believe your MP should reside and come from the area he/she is representing. If they want a second home they should pay for everything...
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    LV73 reacted to rubia's post in the thread Old times with Like Like.
    I have emailed Rebecca Reeves stating why I think it's disgusting that pensioners lose their heating allowance and M.P.s still receive...
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    LV73 reacted to Brissles's post in the thread Old times with Like Like.
    They call it the triple lock, but it's the double whammy pension tax - you pay tax when you earn it and pay tax on it when you receive...
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    LV73 replied to the thread Old times.
    It's the people who have done the right thing and saved for their later years either in pensions or in savings accounts that are the...
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    LV73 reacted to Cashers's post in the thread Old times with Like Like.
    And now they have taken it back, disgusting.
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    I used to buy loads from Gems TV/Gemporia and my collection is huge. My buying got totally out of hand though, and although I love most...
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    LV73 replied to the thread Jade Troth is back.
    I hardly ever watch Gems TV any more, but I have flicked up the channels 5 times over the past week though, and 4 times it was DT...
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    LV73 reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Haha Haha.
    Apparently he spent all of Wednesday night in hospital - but dashed to the studio because he couldn't wait to bring us this Mother of...
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    LV73 reacted to Brighthunter's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Like Like.
    I've been home today and switched on quite a few times (and off again) and DT has been on, gesticulating in front of his screen, every...