Recent content by lillyana


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  1. L

    One item only in baskets - coming your way

    I assume they're going to allow us to immediately drop an item from our baskets if we change our minds? Right now I don't believe there's that option and you have to wait till they expire. If we still have to wait, that will make them lost a lot of business.
  2. L

    One item only in baskets - coming your way

    Forgive me for my ignorance but does it mean, for example, when we buy Milano charms (or a chain with a pendant, in two separate auctions), we'll have to check out one at a time? What happens to our P&P? Or will it take you to another window where you can aggregate all your purchases after...
  3. L

    Tips for new buyers?

    Really good point ... I want to find out as well which metal weights are substantial enough to carry x amount carats etc. -- admittedly, I don't really pay attention to gold weights, but I know that might just bite me in the butt at one point. :grin: I had no idea you could still return...
  4. L

    Tips for new buyers?

    Hi all, first post here (although I've been hanging around unregistered for a while and I've been a watcher of GemsTV for quite some time). Glad to be here. :heart: I really enjoy watching GemsTV and even occasionally buying a thing or two! However, I find that getting the 'best' out of GemsTV...