Recent content by JillzzZ


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  1. J

    Free p&p day

    😂 oh dear, wups, I forgot to add wet and forget 🙈 🤣🤣 well done you 👏👏👏👏
  2. J

    Free p&p day

    Yes… Think I over did it 🙈 Gatineau tan accelerator/ hand body wash duo, L’occitane Eau de toilette, Gatineau Tan Accelerating Facial serum, Clinique sun kissed duo and wait for it… Luxform 18 function Solar string lights! it’s all things I wanted and have been thinking about for a while, the no...
  3. J

    Kathryn Goldsmith

    Yes, I know .. I’ve given her a while 😀 just to make sure 😂
  4. J

    Kathryn Goldsmith

    Oh goodness .. so sorry you feel like this, I’m surprised you still watch 🙈 each to their own I guess xx
  5. J

    Kathryn Goldsmith

    I always watch new QVC presenters before I make my mind up (incase they are nervous to begin with) understandable! I have to say Kathryn Goldsmith (may be not new now) but new to me .. I like her 100% She not annoying, doesn’t over talk/sell .. she seems sensible, knowable.. yes, very pleased...
  6. J

    Ninja TSV 29/04/23

    I 100% agree with you, no point in having a TSV if if it’s sold out before it comes to air.. even before the 9pm show the night before 😳 So disappointing for everyone to tune in to buy and find it is sold out 😒 not a good idea, I think it’s a BIG mistake.
  7. J

    Ninja TSV 29/04/23

    thats what I was worried about , but, last night I was watching Michael Perry’s live stream ‘My Garden Escape’ .. it was very interesting.. then at the end they pre warned the Ninja BBQ was going to be available online at midnight .. guess what.. I fell asleep 😆 BUT my phone woke me up with a...
  8. J

    Ninja TSV 29/04/23

    😱 wow, that is well hidden isn’t it.. thank you 👍
  9. J

    Ninja TSV 29/04/23

    That’s the one I’m hoping for .. thank you for info re: on/off button 🤣
  10. J

    Ninja TSV 29/04/23

    Apologies if I’ve missed this in a previous post 🙈 BUT, is the Ninja BBQ coming to QVC soon (hopefully) a TSV ?
  11. J

    Margaret Dabbs TSV 31/1/23

    I really liked the hand overnight mask treatment (that came with gloves) a while back. I was hoping to see it the this TSV. I hope it’s in the show, it doesn’t seem to be available now.
  12. J

    Innovators New Chair

    That must be it .. thank you 😀
  13. J

    Innovators New Chair

    Apologies if I have missed this in a past post BUT does anyone know when the new innovators rocking chair (was in background earlier) will be available?
  14. J

    Hotel Chocolat TSV 20/11/21

    That’s hilarious.. I thought is was just me 👀 I preheat the mug and when machine clicks off, I put it on again. .. it’s lovely tho, personally I think it’s worth doing x
  15. J

    EMU TSV 30/9/21

    Really sorry if I’ve missed this, but, what is the new Emu TSV, 30th Sept? I really hope it’s waterproof boots? Today (after years) they’ve sadly today split 😢 They have been the best, heartbroken they’ve gone 😟