Recent content by Jackanory


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  1. J

    Aveda TSV 28/10/24

    It's expensive. Is it worth the price. I have dry colour treated hair and am guessing cherry would be best.
  2. J

    I’m getting really bored

    I am the same Breeze, I used to wait up til 12 o'clock when a TSV would grab my interest, all excited, ordering TSV after TSV, spending silly money, having stashes of masses of stuff. I never ever watch QVC now. I pop along here to see if there are any TSVs that look reasonably priced and are...
  3. J

    Denim & Co TSV 09/02/24

    I like the red one
  4. J

    Aveda TSV 8/2/24

    Expensive, I have never used Aveda, is it worth the expense? I have menopausal dry frizzy hair. Would anyone recommend?
  5. J

    Skechers TSV 03/02/24

    I remember when QVC Skechers TSV used to be a bit of a bargain.
  6. J

    Beauty Pick of the Month with Free P&P

    I also was a C & P devotee for years but I only use the Aldi one now which is excellent and I am saving a fortune
  7. J

    Apricot TSV 22/8/23

    That's a pretty top!
  8. J

    Before and After Pics

    I agree, she looks to me as though she has had botox and filler, her face looks weird
  9. J

    Work done?

    In my opinion any kind of "work" is pretty obvious to everyone and I don't think it makes anyone look younger it just makes them look weirder, and the more "work" they have done the more weird they look. I am 54, I haven't had any work done, I probably look 54 and I am absolutely 100% certain my...
  10. J

    30/03/23 One Time Only Prices

    I remember when Sketchers used to be a reasonable price, even in the OTOs they are too expensive for me.
  11. J

    Query about OTOs

    I also remember when OTOs were a really good bargain. Years ago, like Clothescloth, I remember seeing a OTO for a fancy eyeshadow kit that was reduced from about £30 to £5 and I ran to the house phone and quickly managed to order it before it sold it, it was a great buy, and a real bargain. I...
  12. J

    Hotel Chocolat TSV 15/03/23

    Me too Boffy they do lovely Easter eggs
  13. J

    13/03/23 - 19/03/23 Big Deals

    I wear them for work and going out on occasion, they look better on than you would expect, I bought them in Clearance
  14. J

    13/03/23 - 19/03/23 Big Deals

    I am 54 and I got 3 Cuddleduds jumpsuits from QVC, I get lots of compliments when I wear them
  15. J

    L’occitane TSV 05/03/23

    That's a lot of shower gel/liquid soap!