Recent content by I Love Chocolate


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  1. I Love Chocolate

    Apricot Prices

    Oh, I hope not. There’s hardly anywhere to shop in the High Street anyway 😡
  2. I Love Chocolate

    Eilidh and her strawberry

    Is it to prove you don’t have any grey hair? Serious question. Personally I think it looks horrible.
  3. I Love Chocolate

    Alison Young

    Was enjoying the Percy and Reed hour and the BA was saying that the travel collection would make a lovely Mother’s Day present. AY agreed and then said it would also be good for parents that are important to you as well of any gender. Why?? She’s the only presenter that does this. I didn’t...
  4. I Love Chocolate

    Tommie Copper TSV 03/01/25

    No, every single time I see it I think it says Tommy Cooper.
  5. I Love Chocolate

    Anne Dawson

    Just turned over to QVC. Anne is on but I don’t know what she’s saying cos I can’t take my eyes off her roots! I don’t understand why she doesn’t cover them or at least try to. I hate my roots - they are the bane of my life - but I can’t stop colouring my hair yet at 58. I saw what long grey...
  6. I Love Chocolate

    Saint Tropez Fashion

    Just watched the video. Very bad choice of footwear and I agree with everything you say about the live model. However, the model in the photos looks great. I have to say Catherine looks good in the dress although again wrong choice of footwear. Cheesy video though...
  7. I Love Chocolate

    frkl jewellery

    Got this on in the background. To me it looks really cheap, but the prices are ridiculous.
  8. I Love Chocolate

    Free Delivery all day Sunday 22 September

    I assume I must have missed a thread about this? If not, today is free delivery all day. Go, go, go!!
  9. I Love Chocolate

    Summer of Sport

    Thank you for this info. I do, however, think Dale (or probably the people screaming in his earpiece!) overreacted. She just said she likes watching the Olympics. 🤯
  10. I Love Chocolate

    Summer of Sport

    I found the video. Watch from 18:26. Scroll to the Margaret Dabbs show at 6pm in the Live tab and press More Info then Watch Show. Total madness! Or 2 mins in on this link...
  11. I Love Chocolate

    Summer of Sport

    I had Margaret Dabbs on in the background. Margaret said that she loved watching the Olympics. Dale quickly interjected and said we call it ‘The Summer of Sport’ on QVC in case our lawyers are watching”. What?? How ridiculous!! She didn’t say anything derogatory. Anyone else hear this?
  12. I Love Chocolate

    One size fits all

    How can a shirt that fits eg a size 12 also fit a size 22/24? There is a Malissa J Printed Shirt on now which is one size. The stylist has tried to make it work by tucking it in (although that look...
  13. I Love Chocolate

    Jilly Halliday

    I like Jilly as a presenter but what on earth is she wearing tonight? Anyone know if this outfit has been in a previous show?
  14. I Love Chocolate

    Alison Young

    Turned on QVC yesterday to hear Alison saying the guest had come from Europe. Last time I looked, we were in Europe too. 🤦‍♀️ Then, of course, she went on about all genders, partnership ceremonies and lots of other unnecessary things.
  15. I Love Chocolate


    Thought I’d have a look at QVC dresses. I see their filters work well!! Compare with say, SHEIN, who let you choose the normal size, colour but then you can pick dress length, sleeve length, material, style etc etc.