Recent content by Holy Jesus


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  1. H

    Pure arrogance.

    He simply didn’t have the funds to launch a channel. He still hired all those people. Didn’t pay his bills and simply fu**ed up.
  2. H

    Attention New TV Shopping Channel Seen on TV Launching 10am Wednesday 12th June

    Attention ! New shopping channel last but a week. #totalfail
  3. H

    Pure arrogance.

    How this guy thought he could pull this off is beyond me. Imagine taking 17 odd people possibly from other jobs KNOWING he had little capital to survive. Isles is totally responsible for this implosion, like I said on a thread earlier Liz’s Truss lasted longer as PM than his back street...
  4. H

    General Banter and Random Musings

    Hi all , Simon Isles, or Slimy Lies as he’s better known is a very bad business man, he had NO chance of it ever working. The bigger picture for me is that there are 17 staff that some of whom left other jobs to join seen on, they ran with isles and slated other channels , they are now out of...
  5. H

    General Banter and Random Musings
