Recent content by historymystery


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  1. H


    Avon used to do some good things back in the day. I have a shawl/scarf that I bought from them back in the 1990's(!) and it has been washed countless times, still looks almost as good as new - it was £6, found the receipt the other day. Also do you remember when Avon used to do jewellery...
  2. H

    Jade Troth is back

    Haven't got a clue what you mean. If by chance you're talking about a previous post on here where I said (quote) "Nothing at all. There. I've said it" - it was actually a joke, replying to what JanCherry1 had said. If you read it, it's pretty evident, as JanCherry1's post is quoted.
  3. H

    Ben De Lisi TSV 12/03/25

    I've found Asda tee shirts and vest tops wear well and as you've said, they often do two for £5 or £6 deals. Much better value than a couple of tee shirts I bought in Marks & Sparks last summer, and the necks went like boats after a couple of washings, really stretched and baggy - and at £16...
  4. H

    Random musings and general banter.

    How very dare you - when you know that Pete hasn't any glass in the windows of 'The Hovel'. :LOL: He's no doubt already told us that he can't afford glass in his windows, but thankfully I missed that show. :sleep:
  5. H

    Random musings and general banter.

    You'd need an air freshener to go with it - the thing was probably white when it first went in the warehouse (aka the repository of tat).
  6. H

    Original Cake Company bargain??

    You've made my day - now I'm going to seek out the cherry and almond ones too! All this talk of cakes is making me so hungry (well, I did have lunch an hour ago....:giggle:)
  7. H

    Random musings and general banter.

    Who cares, unless they've nothing else to do.
  8. H

    Original Cake Company bargain??

    Carrot cake every time! Although rather partial to coffee and walnut or lemon, too....
  9. H

    Original Cake Company bargain??

    The Lemon muffins are delish, but muffins and flapjacks are not difficult to make yourself and Q's cakes are a complete rip off. I've never succumbed to a cake from Q, but have eaten a slice from one bought by a friend - like Choosi5050, she decided to see whether all the hype they come out...
  10. H

    Favourite TV programmes

    Tipping Point could be used as a cure for insomnia.
  11. H

    Random musings and general banter.

    Let's be fair here, there was an expression used about another poster that was totally out of order - no excuse for it at all. OK, the objectionable word wasn't actually written, but making the point in an unmistakable manner that another poster might be seen in a week's time on a Tuesday is...
  12. H

    Hi all

    Hi Anny, and welcome.
  13. H

    Foxy's fan club

    She seems really flattered by it, grinning away. Doesn't say much for her intelligence - really stupid to encourage someone like this, and far from being flattering, it's worrying and she should be blanking people who go too far. No need to be rude, but definitely don't give them oxygen...
  14. H

    Random musings and general banter.

    Couldn't stand Chris Tarrant and I stopped watching the programme because of him. And the repeated 'are you sure that's the answer you want to go for? Not xxx? Are you sure?' made me want to punch the screen. Just blurdy well get on with it, Tarrant. That reminds me - Tarrant's ex-wife...
  15. H

    Denim & Co, some reviews removed

    To be honest I wouldn't be at all surprised if other shopping channels have done this as well.