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  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Birthday event.
    I think the story he told on the channel (that's back in the day when he did appear on the channel regularly) was that gemology was...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Lyndsay ....
    I suggest they give that monkey automaton a job immediately, and get rid of her.
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Random rubbishy records.
    You're right, Anita's song used the theme tune of the programme.
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Gemporia 'Downfall'.
    Jojo1, I've watched Gemporia (aka Gems or the Genuine Gemstone Company, as it's been previously known) since about 2009 and it was...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Haha Haha.
    'Interesting info'? On Gemporia? I think you had your TV on the wrong channel ;)
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Random rubbishy records.
    Ah, but was this before they got together? If so, I hereby pronounce Brian Not Guilty, Your Honour. :D. Wasn't this 'wonderful' (crap)...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Random rubbishy records.
    Yes, an utter crud record by anyone's standards. Another one I vaguely remember was by two tailors' dummies (sorry, Peter and Gordon) -...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Lyndsay ....
    Yesterday afternoon she was almost hysterical with joy at seeing Toby (all I can say is some people are easily pleased). She kept...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Colours.
    I stopped watching the fashion because of the constant debates over the names of the colours. Back and forth chat between the presenter...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to ERICS MUM's post in the thread The Presenters! with Haha Haha.
    I used to wear glasses, or contact lenses if I could be bothered with the palaver of putting them in. But at the beginning of this year...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Jade Troth is back.
    I think you're right. It will go out with a bang, rather than a whimper, now you see it, now you don't scenario. The whole thing...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Like Like.
    To be honest, for the past 18 months or so, I've had the feeling that one day, we'll put Gems TV on and be greeted with a blank screen -...
  • H
    historymystery reacted to rubia's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Like Like.
    I rarely watch gems now but have looked in from time to time this birthday. It's a dismal display with nothing exciting or different to...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Andi Peters.
    I can't understand how anyone would trust them after what's happened in the past. I remember the posts on here over the years, where...
  • H
    historymystery replied to the thread Lyndsay ....
    I used to loathe James Russell, but he excelled himself here, hilarious. :D I was enjoying James Russell's presentation until Pete...