Recent content by helen


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  1. helen

    AY's gaff in the 10pm Gale Hayman show

    I think it was when she said 'todays hot pink' instead of pick she said it was because the guest was wearing a pink top
  2. helen

    Decleor TSV 6/4/09

    The experience de l'age is £61.50 from Decleor and I would probably have bought this if it had the full size experience mask rather than the peel off mask as I wouldn't use the peel off mask. I love this moisturiser and I have just gone back to using it after the Sarah Chapman discovery set...
  3. helen

    Sarah Chapman v Liz Earle

    Yes I will, I ordered it last Monday night and it was dispatched on Wednesday so I hope it comes tomorrow or Tuesday. I give it a couple of weeks to see how I get on
  4. helen

    Sarah Chapman v Liz Earle

    I have been using the Sarah Chapman eye recovery for 6 weeks and I can honestly say its the best eye cream I have ever used. I only ordered it as I saw it being presented on a show before Christmas and thought I'd got nothing to lose by giving it a try, as the price was comparable to what I was...
  5. helen

    Judith Williams Skincare Range

    I have been using the eye cream for about 3 weeks now and it is the best I have used. I have really noticed a difference in the 'bagginess' of the skin under my eyes and the dark circles have reduced. I only use half a pump as there seems to be too much delivered in one pump.
  6. helen

    QVC - No Vat Reduction?

    My understanding is The VAT change is not compulsory - the 'going easy for the first three months' is about incorrect accounting of VAT not changing the rate it is charged at. If you look at question 4 it clearly states it is not compulsory but...
  7. helen

    QVC - No Vat Reduction?

    I was under the impression that postage charges are exempt from VAT and therefore the VAT reduction will not make any difference to postage.
  8. helen

    Possible Decleor OTO's Or Birthday Prices

    Thank you Fallen Angel for posting those details. I'm hoping that they have the new Aromessence Excellence as I received an email with the easy pay code on yesterday and was hoping to use it for that:51:
  9. helen

    Received 'birthday surprise' voucher from QVC

    I haven't had a card either:(
  10. helen

    Elemis Anniversary Prices

    Thank you - I have just ordered this - its a good price for the size and has a pump dispenser plus I have just run out of my usual body lotion, hopefully it will arrive with enough time to use it before my hols on 12th July Helen