Recent content by Harley Quinn


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  1. H

    My reason for being upset at phone only £1 celebrations

    Hmmm. My comment about the phone competition wasn't 'really insensitive'. It was pointing out that we can't have everything. In my line of work I meet people with eye sight problems, from simple problems assisted with glasses, up to almost completely blind people. So I do have some experience...
  2. H

    Exmoor Style - Sausage Man Returns

    YAYYYY *dances like Papa* I did in fact by an apple and an orange from Mr Briss' shop, just so I could say I'd bought some special stuff *laughs*
  3. H

    My reason for being upset at phone only £1 celebrations

    I was worried you might take my post the wrong way. Great you haven't :D I understand in the independence thing. I know I'd feel the same way. What I try to do when I don't win a bid on something (normally ebay) is tell myself it wasn't worth it, I didn't need it, I just got caught up in the...
  4. H

    Exmoor Style - Sausage Man Returns

    Really? I'm a HUGE League fan (yes I've been to Hadfield LOADS! Sorry if we've annoyed you 'locals' being drunk and in costume *laughs*) I am a veggie so hate meat, but I saw the show and went WOW at the prices! It's not hard to either go to a local butcher offering just the same for much much...
  5. H

    The V-Slicer Innovation.......

    Has anyone complained about this knife to the manufacturers, ideal World or anyone? It sounds completely deadly!:11: It would be the type of thing I'd look at buying, then me being very clumsy would find myself running to the hospital clutching severed fingers (thank God the hospital is two...
  6. H

    My reason for being upset at phone only £1 celebrations

    I really really don't think there is any discrimination going on. Unfortunately, there is always going to be someone who can't use a service. Whether that's because they can't use a phone, don't have the internet, can't leave the house to get somewhere, whatever. If it was done intentionally to...
  7. H

    qvc addiction

    I watch QVC, Ideal World and a few of the Price Drop channels (the ones you get on Freeview), but I don't buy anything as the channels are so expensive, and almost all of the items are just not worth the money. It's saddened me reading so many posts on this website where people go crazy over an...
  8. H

    Lulu Guinness bags

    I have posted occasionally about where I've found things cheaper (like John Lewis for Liz Earle) and not falling for the hype that 'expensive = best', but to be honest it has fallen on deaf ears.
  9. H

    Bodi Tek Vibrating Power Trainer

    I'm sorry to say but stuff like this does NOT help you lose weight, at all. Ever. Healthy eating and just talking a walk after work or during your day is the easiest thing. It's such a waste of money.
  10. H

    Lulu Guinness bags

    I can assure you that people in London are feeling the price hike as much as everyone. We don't all swan about in expensive clothes and laugh at the poor. I can barely afford to live.
  11. H

    beauty on a budget

    John Lewis sell Liz Earle stuff with NO P&P. That's the cheapest place I've found (cheaper than her website) I've just checked out the 2nds shop on ebay and it doesn't seem cheap at all :(
  12. H

    Philip Kingsley - opinions

    Oh that's a fab tip! I was told about using Olive oil if you run out of conditioner. Never ever use it!! It leaves your hair looking like you haven't washed it in a month, even if you shampoo it clean several times. NOT good! It took me hours to get my hair clean after trying this.
  13. H

    Its funny this

    I didn't want anyone to feel bad. I find it so easy to be sucked in by hype and go along with the 'spiel' and feel that what I'm paying for is worth it. The you get it home and take a step back and regret over spending. At work I have to clean my hands many many times a day just in case I get...
  14. H

    Its funny this

    EXACTLY! It's only a handwash!!! Yet people are spending huge amounts of money on items such as this. You can buy handwashes from a £ shop, or just use a soap, yet we are being brainwashed into believing you have to spend huge amounts of money on stuff :(
  15. H

    Arty Farty Craft

    I am a crafter, but I'm self taught. I make papier mache stuff - I've made boxes and clothes bins, cards and all sorts of stuff. But I don't need to buy the horrid stuff IW sell. It's not hard to work out how to make a box. You can get books from the library or online. It's NOT hard. And most of...