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  1. G

    Gemporia warned yet again by the ASA...........

    I don’t trust any of them now. Bought for years and years but stopped about a year ago. Don’t mind some of Katie’s products, but others such as the mascara hopeless, and fix perfect t really sticky, gave to a friend as I wouldn’t use it, she threw in the bin !
  2. G

    Gemporia still sinking

  3. G

    Gemporia still sinking

    Will get at least one of them assessed with the GIA and if they agree not Internally flawless May consult a lawyer. The authenticity cards do say IF.
  4. G

    Gemporia still sinking

    Yes, I get that, but what I think is so wrong is when they say a diamond is Internally flawless when it is not 🙁
  5. G

    Gemporia still sinking

    Hope it does sink. Reputable auctioneers told me 3 internally flawless rings I have bought from Gemporia, are not internally flawless, valued at significantly, significantly less than I paid.