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  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Kit10's post in the thread Tess Daly with Love Love.
    Oh I remember the popcorn link watch! I always thought it was beautiful, but I have and still wear the solid silver Diamonique tennis...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to donna255's post in the thread Tess Daly with Love Love.
    My first diamonique was a silver ring, might have cost under £15? I then moved to the 14ct gold versions, I LOVED Tuesday and Friday...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to MrMarple's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
    I'm not interested in jewellery in any way at all but I did love watching the Mischa shows back in the day. She seemed like such a...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread Tess Daly with Love Love.
    My first Diamonique purchase was a silver ring with a pretty pink stone flanked by two smaller Diamonique stones. It still looks as...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Patsy's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
    La I've got a pair of 14ct gold diamonique studs and a pair of the Epiphany platinum plated oval earrings. Both paid still look as good...
  • G
    GlamDolly replied to the thread Tess Daly.
    Imagine getting your mitts on a solid platinum ring for under 50 squids! Oh to hop in a time machine, go back 30 years and hoover up all...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Kit10's post in the thread Tess Daly with Love Love.
    My first purchase of Diamonique was a pair of gold studs, still worn and loved today. I also have two Diamonique rings, set in platinum...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
    She was in it for the quick buck. I doubt we'll be seeing her again.
  • G
    GlamDolly replied to the thread Tess Daly.
    Agree with you 100% I think it's outrageous to market this recycled brass, disposable/fast fashion costume jewellery as though it's...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Tess Daly with Love Love.
    I have some Diamonique stud earrings, set in gold, which I bought donkey's years ago. Still look the same as the day I bought them. They...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Clothescloth's post in the thread Tess Daly with Love Love.
    Trouble is, her range was way overpriced for what it is. Diamonique in silver is a similar price, and it is marketed as ‘proper’...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Tess Daly with Love Love.
    Regarding Tess Dale's line. It's wrong of QVC to sidestep the fact that it's brass. However, this type of jewelry is for people who want...
  • G
    GlamDolly reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Tess Daly with Haha Haha.
    I liked Brucie, except when he'd sing and tap dance. It was painful to watch.
  • G
    GlamDolly replied to the thread Tess Daly.
    I forgot to mention the biggest advantage of buying second hand gold jewellery with some age - it's miles better quality than the...
  • G
    GlamDolly replied to the thread Tess Daly.
    Almost certainly rhodium or white gold plated, I'd wager (there used to be another form of acrylic plating that stopped tarnishing too -...