Recent content by FunkinHeel


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  1. F

    My Home Stories TSV 14/03/25

    I notice that, as is often these days, they change wording to try to mind-control you into being more likely to make a purchase. For example: used cars (or anything used) are "pre-loved" or "pre-owned". Fake flowers are now, according the MyHomeStoried... "wilt-free". I have had fake...
  2. F

    Ben De Lisi TSV 12/03/25

    I watched this morning. Ben was the colour of mahogany, and he was wearing skinny cropped trousers with Birkenstock slide-ons. It looked ridiculous and furthermore, his voice annoys me. 😂😬
  3. F

    Monsoon TSV 10/3/25

    OMG, I laughed out loud! 😂
  4. F

    Malissa J

    No, I didn't see that either. I went back to the page and zoomed in. You can see what looks like little dots all down the front, which I assume are the "studded detail, but the back is plain. Which looks odd.
  5. F

    Malissa J I liked those too (if the link is the one you're talking about), and yes, they would probably be too short for me. But even if not, even though they have a high cotton content, it's still...
  6. F

    Hi all

    Helllloooo! Welcome!
  7. F

    Malissa J

    Malissa (spelled with that extra "a"- how edgy) has a suspicious looking puffy upper lip. I did not know that Distressed Foil Midi Skirts were a thing. (with matching top & bag-lady cardigan thingy). The prices of this rubbish!!
  8. F

    Denim & Co, some reviews removed

    I forgot to add in my original post, that the reviews highlighting the problem with the dropped back were not just a few, there were at least 200+. I'm sure it isn't a problem for everyone as the posts here show, it's the fact they removed negative reviews that's really dodgy on their part. I...
  9. F

    Eilidh and her strawberry

    I have often wondered this. It's irritating, like us women need to be treated like 10 year olds.
  10. F

    Eilidh and her strawberry

    Yes, I remember reading about this. It's to look like your natural root growth is not grey. I've seen some with this done very badly. But, can you imagine how hard it is to keep this maintained?
  11. F

    Beauty Pick of the Month with Free P&P

    I've tried a few Elasticizers over the years, and found this product to be highly hyped & overrated. The "amazing" scents they use are barely detectable. Waste of money, IMO.
  12. F

    Am I being harsh?

    Yes, it's just too short.
  13. F

    Am I being harsh?

    I thought that's what he said, but wasn't too sure because he was running his words together at 100mph! 🤣
  14. F

    Am I being harsh?

    I don't think this looks right on a "model of a certain age". (Plus, £68??? - rounded out to include P&P) Sorry about the fuzziness of the image - something went wrong in the screenshot process!
  15. F

    Alison Young

    As do I. I like to call it "reality".