Recent content by emerald


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  1. E

    Glenn Lehrer - TorusRing Gemstones

    I liked the Ametrine and the ? Oregon Sunstone,it was a very interesting hour also saw a large rubellite which was lovely, mind you some of the Gems TV own Safira rubellite is looking quite tempting
  2. E

    Calling all Ethiopian Welo opal lovers!

    Looks lovely, saw a large solitaire in silver the other day but sat on my hands and managed to resist,looked like it had a good colour array though
  3. E

    Unlucky break!

    Shame for Chloe with the #ankle - hope she has the pain under control and is back soon
  4. E

    TJC Summer Tea Party 2011

    Glad you had a great time I was envious of those attending the event but even if I got a ticket its a bit far to travel for me for a day.Would love to have seen the jewellery you tried on were any of them for sale at the event?I get my goods delivered to a friend's house and they are always put...
  5. E


    Glad it worked out for you it did seem a bit shortsided not to repair a ring from someone who is obviously an established customer in which loss of sales may cost more in the long term.There seems to be losts of confusion within the company at present e.g. changing the P&P and guarantee times...
  6. E

    Please stop

    Have to say I am a fan of TJC but not so keen on the Karis and the ornaments so not watched much the last couple of days switched on for a moment tonight but its back to Lady Gaga for me
  7. E

    Morganite ring

    Thanks rebeccab number on tag is cyvj72
  8. E

    Morganite ring

    Have fancied buying Morganite for a while but was a bit reluctant after reading that sometimes it takes a few attempts to purchase one with a good colour and that its a stone that can fade.I saw a cushion cut stone in a ring on Gems the other week it was in silver with gold plating it looked a...
  9. E

    Nice suprise!

    Looks very pretty I like amethyst as well especially the dark colour,glad to hear its well made as recent posts have mentioned a drop in quality standards from TJC I was kind of worried they might be on a slippery slope as despite their faults I usually thought I got value for the money paid.
  10. E

    Safeguard Opinion

    Thanks Sazza for posting the links maybe if I spend more time in the pub I can develop my computer skills with help from the resident expert.
  11. E

    Safeguard Opinion

    Thanks Gemcherub most of my friends like the first one though they usually see it at its best under the sparkly halogen lights when we are out both tourmalines seem to change colour in that light.
  12. E

    Safeguard Opinion

    I have the codes but dont know if they will come up as they were purchased a while back they are 505381,492732,597471.I have tried photographing the tourmalines before but they didnt turn out well but to be honest they dont have the colour saturation as some I have seen on here.As for loading...
  13. E

    Safeguard Opinion

    Thanks Gemcherub Only got them valued in case I loose any of them and need to get them insured seperately and wanted to see if they would be valued at least the amount I paid for them and just thought other members might be interested in current prices for safeguard valuations.
  14. E

    Safeguard Opinion

    Hallo everyone Paid a visit to a Safeguard valuer today at a local jewellers I took along three Iliana rings.Two of them Mozambique tourmalines whether Paraiba or Cuprian well its anybodys guess,one valued at double the price I paid and the other slightly more than double as it lends more...
  15. E

    question re Ceylon sapphires

    Thanks to everyone for taking the time giving their own experience.Meeshoo its kind of you to offer recommendations of reliable dealers I think at the moment she is in touch with a lady who made her a ring last year so Im not sure if she will be able to source a stone for her but appreciate your...