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  1. E

    Peter Simon + Guest on Thomas Kinkade hour

    Reading all this has reminded me of the good old days (for all the wrong reasons) of Bid TV and St Peter Simon rambling on about the Thomas Kincade crappy paintings.... when he said 'THIS IS THE LAST THNG I WANT TO SEE BEFORE I DIE' yes he actually said it.... I don't know if all the old Bid...
  2. E

    Getting to know Peter Simon

    St Peter Simon on Bid TV made him out to be some kind of saintly paragon of virtue who was the perfect family man etc etc it was cringeworthy listening to him, but a simple Google search unearths lots of stuff about him. The Los Angeles Times tells of him financially ruining ex art dealers...
  3. E

    Peter Simon

    Talking of Peter Simon learning.... I thought someone on here said that he would have to do his homework and maybe even have to take an exam.... it obviously didn't stretch to the mining side of things cos when he was selling a Tsavorite ring recently he said 'they are stopping Tsavorte coming...
  4. E

    Peter Simon

    Peter Simon was on giving us the benefit of his wide knowledge of the mining industry.... or he was trying to.... but the amount of times he cut his sentence's and even single words was amazing, so go on, have a look at this quick video of him we recorded, you wont believe it...
  5. E

    Peter Simon

    Peer Simon's pearl ring (oo er!) was 'not only from the Dominicans of the Republics' and the Kyanite ring came from.... 'one of the highest points on our planet, its when the heavens meet the skies, it is the nearest thing to touching the very essence of the whispers of the angels'..... whatever...
  6. E

    Gems Tv to move to Sky channel 645

    Not only from the six not only from the four not only from the five...... delicious
  7. E

    Peter Simon

    Ive given up trying to understand what he's rattling on about but it is funny in a weird way.... "I really adore this I absolutely adore this, and that on your wrist is going.... with your day wear with your evening wear not only with ultra-violet blues not only because of the pinks gr... then...
  8. E

    Peter Simon.... Bids loss and Gems gain? you decide

    Please click the link and watch the wonderous Peter Simon trying to bring Gemporia to its knees.... I'll be very surprised if he's kept on....
  9. E

    Has Gems TV made a big mistake? You decide

    Mrs Earwig and I were watching my favourite presenter (he's my favourite for all the wrong reasons) Peter Simon the other night and she said 'that idiot is gonna bring this poor channel to its knees', I think she could be right.....
  10. E

    Random musings/no argument zone

    He's definitely back to his old ways already, he said 'if you are at home watching this on your own and he always promised you a diamond...... just buy'.... it was said with the best Peter mock sincerity preying on the old, i wonder how long Gems will put up with it all?
  11. E

    Peter Simon

    Peter Simon doing his homework on jemstones! I don't think he studied quite enough ha ha... " let me tell you how this is, these have come from about 80 or 90 MILES down in the Earth".... Now let me tell you Peter that I looked on Wikipedia when you said that cos it didn't sound right and low...
  12. E

    I hear........

    Peter Simon in his Fifty's? WOO HOO!!!! that means possibly another 10 years plus of him presenting on the telly ha ha.
  13. E

    favourite presenter

    its gotta be not only the new kid on the block not only to fill your heart with great joy not only to delight.... trust me, I will never do you wrong..... yes you've guessed it..... its the magnificent PETER SIMON
  14. E

    I hear........

    ha ha merryone..... So the long awaited return of the king (of ********)
  15. E

    What was the last thing you saw on shop at Bid and Price drop?

    the last thing i see on Price Drop was Steve scouser selling the print of the great Frankel, im a real lover of horseracing and i must admit i was itching to buy it but as is always the case the damn thing was much to expensive and luckily for me and my bank account i came to my senses in time...