Recent content by Dame Fondacox


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  1. Dame Fondacox

    Fiona Brackenbury

    I always remember Fiona for her mooing sounds when listening to others.
  2. Dame Fondacox

    Ruth ....

    She said she wouldn't rule out cosmetic surgery to give her confidence a boost. Surely Alison Young should be her first port of call. Unless she's talking about following in her friend's footsteps...
  3. Dame Fondacox

    Lip lift

    I remember Youth Lift - the "facelift in a bottle" that all the Hollywood greats used to be "camera ready for the red carpet at Oscar parties". Then there was Tova's cactine mask - the "facelift in a jar" that was the "best kept secret in Hollywood circles". I tried it once and it set like...
  4. Dame Fondacox

    Decleor Fans It Is Coming Back.

    I used to love the cleanser, toner, aromessence, and the balms.
  5. Dame Fondacox

    areopilates TSV 04/01/25

    I considered this in the past but resisted rising to the bait as I knew there's no way I'd use it, and it would just take up space at home until I got rid of it. I may tune in to see how Margarinejam is looking these days, but then I'm not sure I could face the sight of Julia, legs akimbo...
  6. Dame Fondacox

    Elizabeth Grant TSV 7/1/25

    Similar to the last TSV which I've only recently started to use so I'll pass on this one. I like the range - my only issue is it takes a considerable number of turns to get the tops on/off the pots.
  7. Dame Fondacox

    Not as many brands on QVC anymore?

    I remember Joan Collins fronted a make-up and jewellery range for a while. She had such a look of disdain when paired with some of the presenters.
  8. Dame Fondacox

    Not as many brands on QVC anymore?

    Subscribe and save is brilliant and I like how you can skip a delivery if it's not needed. I was also impressed when I got an email for them on a previous BF weekend that said they were refunding some money because a product I'd bought had reduced in price during the promotion.
  9. Dame Fondacox

    Not as many brands on QVC anymore?

    My experience of Amazon has always been positive. I’m a Prime member and currently get it half price as I signed-up for the student option and those days are far behind me but they don’t question age or require any proof, you just need to input a graduation date, four years ahead and it reverts...
  10. Dame Fondacox

    How much more Elemis can they sell??

    I'm bored with the brand bar a couple of items and don't buy the products I do use from QVC due to them selling old stock.
  11. Dame Fondacox

    Molton Brown TSV 18/12/24

    I stocked up on MB during the BF deals and chose the fragrances I like. This doesn't even appeal as a bonus and although I like their shower and hand gels, I've never been a fan of their lotions or creams so that's another non-selling point.
  12. Dame Fondacox

    Gatineau TSV 8/12/24

    I wonder if the eye cream is sill Alison Young's "must have, can't live without, would slit my wrists and jump into a swimming pool if they ever stopped making it, desert island product". I may tune in to see her shamelessly flirt with Andrew, and his well furrowed forehead.
  13. Dame Fondacox

    The Tova Collection TSV 03/12/24

    I've heard others compare Signature to fly spray! Ethel Merman married Ernest Borgnine on June 27, 1964 Separated on August 7. Divorced on October 21. The marriage was a colossal mistake, lasting 38 days. Their time together was spent hurling insults. The chapter in her autobiography titled...
  14. Dame Fondacox

    The Tova Collection TSV 03/12/24

    I watched some of this show and found it quite sad. Debbie kept using Tova's phrases and at times she'd almost mimic the way she used to present her products. I did smile when Jilly said Tova gave her a copy of her book, "How To Stay Married Happily Forever" as a wedding gift. 💕
  15. Dame Fondacox

    The Tova Collection TSV 03/12/24

    The reviews suggest that it used to last and when QVC bought the brand, they did something to the formulas and they're not as good. Tova Nights, in particular has low ratings and reviews saying it's nowhere near as good as it used to be due to the fragrance fading quickly.