Recent content by Calamity Gem


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  1. C

    Who is this awful, shouty woman?

    PS Though, while standing by all the above, I’ve just seen SW hard selling a heart cut Bermainty ruby suite: far too much falling price mock-shock, hurry hurry hurry and no mention of treatments. So no current presenter is immune…
  2. C

    Who is this awful, shouty woman?

    I like Sarah Wait. She’s genuinely knowledgeable, she loves to drive prices down (as was her habit on the Outlet) and she genuinely has FUN with it…entertaining for viewers and the polar opposite of DT ( also in the fact she seems quite humble with it, though this sometimes means she’s a bit too...
  3. C

    Gem experts?!

    Ellis further speculated the gem was just like amber then, with moss from millions of years ago perfectly preserved inside. Deafening silence from Discombobulated Dave. My reaction at home not quite so silent!
  4. C

    Gem experts?!

    My ears must be deceiving me! Dave Troth has just confirmed there is actual moss in moss agate. Ellis latched on immediately, equally laugh out loud. There must have been some sort of cataclysmic event, she questioned, for the green colour of the chlorophyll to have been preserved. If it had...
  5. C

    Priced to profiteer?

    On Wednesday Dave Troth introduced a yellow sapphire showcase with an account of the high price of these gems at an auction house in Geneva he had recently visited, as they are no longer being mined. He went on to auction a mixture of old stock from the Gemporia vault. The highest price was for...
  6. C

    Ellis Ward

    I’ve also really noticed windowing everywhere on Gemporia items over the last year - even ‘luxury’ Loriques. Aquamarines, zircons and step cuts are particularly prone. Presenters always used to claim the company ‘cut for beauty, not carat weight’, but cutting windowed gems is not just from using...
  7. C

    Gemporia still sinking

    I’m very disconcerted by the TrustPilot review about the test results on the jade bangle. While being suitably sceptical about Gemporia’s on-air hype, and angered for new viewers that these days the presenters never seem to mention treatments such as coating and filling of gems, I still buy from...
  8. C

    The latest Gemporia gem discovery?

    Wow! Jess’s “wow” quota has reached new levels this weekend with the Gems TV unveiling of peridot from the new Jilin mine in China, billed on the programme title as having been “discovered” by Gemporia. Weren’t they just invited on a marketing jolly? Jake likened it this morning to the discovery...
  9. C

    Jade Troth is back

    Earlier in the year, when Dave was hard-selling natural type A jadeite, I remember part of his pitch was, when this ran out (when will that be?!), Gemporia would need to buy types B (impregnated) and C (dyed), but he would never be on screen selling it - not up to his standards after all the...
  10. C

    Ellis unapologetic about jade

    I absolutely agree with you all about the current monotony of Gemporia’s broadcasting and the lack of jewellery tempting me to buy. Instead of the faceted, transparent, unenhanced (not coated) gems I have tuned in for for 10 years, the channel is now dominated by carved, often dyed (though this...
  11. C

    Ellis unapologetic about jade

    Khotan ‘mutton fat’ jade, which Gemporia has been selling repeatedly and especially over the past week or so, comes from China’s Xin-Jiang province, notorious for the mass internment by the Chinese of its native Uighur population. But what’s a bit of “re-education” among friends when the sales...