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  • Brissles
    Brissles replied to the thread Tess Daly.
    He was very good at the ad lib and quick retort and in his early days of the tv London Palladium and quiz shows there was no-one to...
  • Brissles
    Brissles reacted to donna255's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
    We have steel, brass, next it will be a piece of rope jewellery.
  • Brissles
    Brissles reacted to Silver Fox's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
    Brass jewellery? No thanks. If you wore a necklace would you end up with a green neck?
  • Brissles
    Brissles reacted to historymystery's post in the thread Tess Daly with Like Like.
    Someone in 1939 told him he could dance. He assumed they were right.
  • Brissles
    Brissles replied to the thread Has Chloe Everton left QVC?.
    That's why I asked Batti ! We live in a world where you think of a number, double it, take away the number and divide by 9 then...
  • Brissles
    Brissles posted the thread Hair extensions in QVC.
    Im neither the age or have the desire to wear 'mermaid' extensions, so having seen Catherine with hair down to her waist got me...
  • Brissles
    Brissles replied to the thread Has Chloe Everton left QVC?.
    How does that work then ? My dad along with thousands of others certainly didn't (or wasn't entitled) to weeks off. Mum gave birth and...
  • Brissles
    Brissles replied to the thread Is Moda in Pelle.
    She's making up for those who can't or dont want children. We're often told the birth rate amongst white women in the UK is down, so...
  • Brissles
    Brissles reacted to ERICS MUM's post in the thread Is Moda in Pelle with Like Like.
    I’d rather have 2 cats, my Tilly is lonely. That’s on my To Do list for next year 🥰 To be fair to Katy and others with several...
  • Brissles
    Brissles reacted to candycane's post in the thread Is Moda in Pelle with Like Like.
    My sister had 5 boys. She doesn't understand why one of them wasn't a girl. You can have as many children as you want as long as you...
  • Brissles
    Brissles posted the thread Is Moda in Pelle in QVC.
    Katy having another child ? I rarely watch now, so haven't seen the BA in many a month. I might be barking up the wrong tree but long T...
  • Brissles
    Brissles replied to the thread Ruth Langsford's Army Green.
    Like Starmer bangs on about his father being a toolmaker, so Ruth never let's us forget she was an army brat.
  • Brissles
    Brissles posted the thread Bearded Biagi in QVC.
    What IS IT with menopausal men who suddenly want to sprout facial hair? No they don't look cool, they just look oldER. Clooney did...
  • Brissles
    Brissles replied to the thread Patrick.
    Most male designers are never the full loaf. They think they're cool and edgy with they're own fashion looks, like wearing no socks...
  • Brissles
    Brissles replied to the thread Finery London TSV 09/09/24.
    Totally agree. I'm 5'7 and it's a personal choice, but I hate a hem that is shoe covering. I have slim legs and look better in ankle...