Recent content by Bernie100


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  1. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter Simon reveals the secret of his glowing skin and lustrous hair..... 😀
  2. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    I see that they're hawking that rubbish weight loss belt again. I just texted in asking why if it really works then why isn't Sally Jacks using one? I wonder if they'll read it out? 🤣
  3. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Unbelievable. A 'chainsaw' that couldn't cut through a pencil. It's almost as ludicrous as the Ideal World foldable washing machine. 🤣
  4. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Would you Adam and Eve it, Foghorn Sally hawking weight loss products as she gets bigger by the day!
  5. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Joyce just leapfrogged Nicholas to get one of the treasured timepieces. It really is nail biting stuff. 😀
  6. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Pedro's in absolute heaven - waxing lyrical about and surrounded by his favourite thing in life - Collagen. 🤣
  7. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Agreed. He's a dirty, rotten fraudster but at least there's some entertainment value with him unlike Jeremy, Yiannis and all the other incredibly dull, no mark IW presenters.
  8. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Still hasn't sold out. It's still available on their website - I've just put 15 of them in my basket. 😄 It's odds on that Pedro will be desperately hawking them later on this evening when he's back on. He'll probably say something like : "We thought these had sold out but a few have bounced...
  9. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    It's funny when these idiots start believing their own bulls hit! Similarly Foghorn Sally is a self-proclaimed Fashion expert, perfume expert and believe it or not a 'Collagen expert' ( what to f is that when it's at home?!?!) 🤣
  10. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    I really must get some of that Collagen stuff because according to this Olympic Gold Medalist, it's the glue that holds us all together. And if I don't get some then presumably bits of my body will start falling off - one of my ears perhaps or maybe even my nose. Or even worse one of my legs...
  11. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Really looking forward to seeing him as James Greenwell is a true Olympic legend right up there with the likes of Jesse Owens, Carl Lewis, Michael Johnson, etc. 🤣
  12. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    And how long before Foghorn's back on promoting some quack weight loss product? 🙃
  13. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    Peter Simon just said that he's really surprised that the Trentons haven't sold out yet 🤣. Well I'm not ibecause they're cheap rubbish Lucky Bag watches that nobody wants. 😆
  14. B

    Lifetime warranty

    I wish they'd replace him with a half decent TV presenter. 😛
  15. B

    Random musings and general banter.

    A foldable bucket. Genius. Absolute genius. Terrific buy. 🤣