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      Bea Frugal reacted to candycane's post in the thread Flinty and Kangas with Like Like.
      She's surely not had her neck done to flog oodles of Prai?? I'm not falling for it. CC
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      Bea Frugal reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Bearded Biagi with Haha Haha.
      Maybe, when these types start losing what they've got on top, they think that growing beards will help them look younger, hipper, and...
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      Bea Frugal posted the thread Flinty and Kangas in QVC.
      Just when I thought old Flint was becoming safer to watch I see she’s back in full Del Boy mode trying to flog the prai tsv. Crikey...
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      Bea Frugal replied to the thread Bearded Biagi.
      I don’t think the face fluff does Prince William any favours either. He suddenly looks like Michael Atherton (nothing wrong with Athers...
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      Bea Frugal replied to the thread Patrick.
      Ben de Lisi looks a state
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      Bea Frugal reacted to mina's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      He describes accurately, is polite and pleasant, never gets flustered, never hogs the limelight. He's a role model for the rest of them...
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      Bea Frugal reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      He seems like a genuine, good natured man. You never know how people behave behind closed doors, but I have an idea that he is just as...
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      Bea Frugal reacted to candycane's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      Love Patrick, such a charming man. I like people that have no sides to them and he's one. CC
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      Bea Frugal reacted to TheFamousGrouse's post in the thread Patrick with Like Like.
      Hooray, Patrick's back. Now we'll get accurate descriptions with all the information we need. Best presenter of the lot, in my view.
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      Bea Frugal replied to the thread Jilly.
      It’s true about Jilly and she’s always been that way but somehow I feel able to cut her some slack. She’s so pleasant and unassuming I...
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      Bea Frugal reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      I have dual citizenship, but lived in the US for over 30 years. It seems the two are neck and neck in the polls. Trump says that Harris...
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      Bea Frugal reacted to Toril's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      I think that Trump and Harris are going head to head on Tuesday. No doubt he’ll resort to his usual mud-slinging, but hopefully she’ll...
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      Bea Frugal replied to the thread Alison Young.
      Didn’t know you were from across the pond Grizelda. I’m fascinated and concerned by the drama unfolding over there. It feels like a...
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      Bea Frugal replied to the thread Laura Geller TSV 05/09/24.
      Laura sold the business a few years ago and we didn’t see her for ages. I wonder if she’s involved in the brand again or just hired as...
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      Bea Frugal reacted to donna255's post in the thread Tili Wonderful Women Midlife Edit with Like Like.
      I like to read the QVC US forum, it is on the page at the bottom. So decided to have nose for menopause products. Shocked...
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