Recent content by backstreetgirl


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  1. backstreetgirl

    Molton Brown TSV 09/03/25

    The fiery pink pepper hand cream that came with it is rubbish.
  2. backstreetgirl

    Molton Brown TSV 09/03/25

    I received my order today, the milk musk shower gel and lotion are both 290ml but the actual bottle sizes are the same as my existing ones :unsure:
  3. backstreetgirl

    Jenny Blackhurst 😯

    I was in the Navy in the early 70s. I did my basic training in Reading and remember going into the town centre with the other girls and seeing 'no matelots' in the window of some pubs. We got in because we didn't go into town in uniform but I was told by one landlord that it applied to girl...
  4. backstreetgirl

    Molton Brown TSV 09/03/25

    I'm still confused about the Milk Musk. Apologies if it's been explained, but why is it 290ml on the Molton Brown website but 300ml on QVC? Does this mean it's old stock on QVC?
  5. backstreetgirl

    Gatineau TSV 02/03/25

    Wouldn't you think that Gatineau would do a spell check before advertising their products?! :oops:
  6. backstreetgirl

    Alison Young

    Age 2 to 3: Children know the difference between a boy and a girl at this age. They may start to see themselves as either a girl or a boy regardless of their sexual anatomy. They may even assume other genders, which are still normal and healthy. :oops::oops::oops:
  7. backstreetgirl

    Gabbling presenters

    Even without the constant gender nonsense she doesn't come across particularly likeable and I hate how she constantly talks over the BAs.
  8. backstreetgirl

    Gabbling presenters

    I haven't been watching as much QVC as I used to either, it seems to be the same old same old and so many of the presenters are just getting on my nerves too much - as I've mentioned here many times. In the evening I tend to turn over at 9 to see what the TSV is like and if I see Charlie...
  9. backstreetgirl

    Gabbling presenters

    Just watching Estee Lauder and unfortunately Alison is presenting. I've lost count how many times she's gabbled on about all different genders being able to use the fragrances and the lipstick and some of her sentences when she tries to fit in different genders don't make sense. She then...
  10. backstreetgirl

    Skechers TSV 07/02/25

    I've been reading about the controversy surrounding Skechers slip ins being potentially bad for your back, hips & feet and not sure about ordering these. I've got one pair of slip ins which are very comfortable but it's no good me buying any more if in the long term they affect my back and dodgy...
  11. backstreetgirl

    Fantasy QVC clear out...

    I must have blinked and missed that moment :unsure:
  12. backstreetgirl

    Gabbling presenters

    Alex Kramer has always reminded me of the mean girl at school, I could see her in a group of girls being catty.
  13. backstreetgirl

    Gabbling presenters

    I like Jackie, she comes across as quite a genuine person, full of fun, her silly jokes make me laugh because she seems to get so much pleasure out of telling them!
  14. backstreetgirl

    Fantasy QVC clear out...

    I'd get rid of: Charlie, I find him very creepy and smarmy, he loves everything and tells us that we do too... he said the other week "I'm loving that you're loving these." Oh please. Jilly....aaaaaaaaaah welcome back, they do, they are, they will, they have, you're loving the pink, boring...
  15. backstreetgirl

    Pretty You TSV 12/12/24

    No doubt that'll stretch to high heaven just like their nighties!