Recent content by Avid


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    Black Friday Fatigue

    I'll be glad when it ends. It's officially Black Friday today and I'm expecting even better deals - especially from Mark. Let's see.
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    Black Friday Fatigue

    TJC has gone overboard with Black Friday. Black Friday in May, June and July. Black Friday on a Saturday. Black Friday weekend. Black Friday week. Black Friday preview. Black Friday hour. Christmas Black Friday deals on Boxing day. I think they've had at least 10 Black Friday events this...
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    Post price rise?

    Impulse buys from TJC are a thing of the past for me. Given the P&P prices, I won't be buying low value items anymore. £4.99 stud earrings with P&P at £5.99. Just not worth it. 'Buy all' is no longer an attractive option either. I would have considered it in the past with capped P&P - not now.
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    Nitesh? switch off!

    Someone at TJC Towers seems to like him as he's been on every day for the past 3 days. I can't watch him. Sorry.
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    Peter and Chloe

    Edit: Meant Andy and Jenny. Can't see how to amend my post.
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    Peter and Chloe

    Yes! Her lock down shows we're so good. Totally agree with your points. Given her recent comments, I don't think she's body confident right now. They should really get a model in.
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    Peter and Chloe

    I think Rachael originally launched Cetuem. Somehow Chloe ended up with it. I once watched a show with Tony and Chloe. It was like clash of the Titans and Tony won. It was a horrible show, and they haven't been paired since! Chloe seems to work best on her own or with Anshu.
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    Peter and Chloe

    Yeh, the digs aren't cool. Those sly remarks are often aimed at other presenters' products that have sold well. Auction envy.
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    Peter and Chloe

    As one of the senior presenters, Chloe is at the top of her game. I love her narrative and the way she creates connections through her stories. However, recently she has shown too much of a pompous side. Also has allowed her ego to take over. I caught the end of the gardening show with Andy...
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    Nitesh? switch off!

    Actually, I did get the impression that he appears on screen when told to, so it"s not necessarily his choice. I still switch over when he's on though. I can't bear when he abruptly interrupts his co-presenters. Some viewers like to see the chest hair when he's modelling chains, so maybe...
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    Trousers, shorts and sunglasses

    What's with all the singular language TJC presenters are using? A trouser, a short, a sunglass????? Wot?? It used to be: a pair of trousers a pair of shorts, a pair of glasses! It's so bizzare...
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    Cringeworthy Presentation

    Yes, they really need to sort this out.
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    Cringeworthy Presentation

    Plesse can someone have a quiet word with Nitesh and let him know that constantly talking over the presenters doesn't make for good watching? This morning he talked over Vicki during a New York close out presentation. He doesn't listen, thereis no flow, he just blurts words out. No conversation...
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    Rachel Galley show Today 4-5

    He introduced himself, but can't remember exactly. Head of Presentations??? Not sure. He stood in for Mark who was unwell and had to come off air.
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    Tjc buyers presenting

    Acutally, Colin Wagstaff was the one who started it all! Any excuse to appear in front of the camera. I recall, he often brought his family on to flog TJC. It's down to him why the buyers now all want to be on screen. Don't miss him.