Recent content by Autisticat


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  1. A

    New collector, how legit is gemporia?

    Also the “some bunny who loves you candle” has a picture of a hare on the side as the decoration around it? So that makes no sense 😂
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    New collector, how legit is gemporia?

    Okay tune in this morning for the opals… what butchery is this…
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    New collector, how legit is gemporia?

    So I’m really new to selly telly & Gemporia and just about to start getting into collecting. I came across it during an injury and boredom for weeks and was sucked in. After making a purchase and then looking around the internet I mostly saw praise then I came across this forum. I’ve been trying...
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    Ludicrous Prices

    I saw this and I was like what the heck. They were so bright!
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    Ludicrous Prices

    Ooo thank you I appreciate this, I learned a lot of information and that’s really important to me so much appreciated, especially the care part. Thank you :) I’m happy with it even if it isnt what I thought but it does mean I have the knowledge to shop properly and what to look for!
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    Ludicrous Prices

    I’m a new, young shopper and have been hooked on the channel for a couple of weeks due to being bed bound from injury atm. I’m autistic and so I have special interests and start collections (i.e I have a huge miniature glass animal collection) and watching over the weeks has cemented my need to...