Recent content by ArticMule


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  1. ArticMule

    Wafting hands

    Early 90's not early it's. Damned autocorrect
  2. ArticMule

    Wafting hands

    Not quite the same but in a previous life, must have been early it's, I went on a negotiation course. Same thing lots of training, practise with each other then video for 'constructive feedback'. Constructive my bottom!! I got told 'I didn't smile much, I should smile more as (wait for it) I was...
  3. ArticMule

    White Stuff 24/2/25 bah fat fingers
  4. ArticMule

    White Stuff 24/2/25

    I've just ordered another jumper from (Montgomery) They are closing down and their 100% Shetland lambswool weather are £43 each. Very warm and snuggly in the colder months. They are also selling off their duffle coats which are fantastic. I have a bright red one.
  5. ArticMule

    White Stuff 24/2/25

    Haven't we seen something similar to this recently - was it a Denim &Co offering?
  6. ArticMule

    Quick Ask - Shark Pet Stain/Spot Cleaner

    Maybe a bit late but I ordered on of the Shark spot cleaners - not sure which one but it went straight back as it had written all over the box do not use on wool carpets. All my carpets and rugs are wool. Got a VAX version instead and it is fantastic. Well worth the money and makes cleaning up...
  7. ArticMule

    QVC UK Group on Facebook

    This could fill the Qurio gap😁
  8. ArticMule

    Kochblume TSV 12/02/25

    I'm hoping there is the navy as I already have the red/orange, green/yellow and the dark/light grey. Go me 😁
  9. ArticMule

    Judith Williams TSV 13/2/25

    Allegedly that is what Barbara Cartland (correct surname?) Used
  10. ArticMule

    Kochblume TSV 12/02/25

    I keep hearing about Dew - is it worth using?
  11. ArticMule

    Kochblume TSV 12/02/25

    We are all just so rock n roll 🤭
  12. ArticMule

    Kochblume TSV 12/02/25

    We are the official Kochblume microfibre clith fan club 🤣
  13. ArticMule

    Kochblume TSV 12/02/25

    I love these too - they are fantastic and it looks like the pack will have 2 of the larger cloths - bonus
  14. ArticMule

    I must wait for clearance!

    Would they cope with being kept in an open front car shed? Didn't seen anything in the QVC blurb to say outdoors would be fine but I could have missed it
  15. ArticMule

    Catherine Huntley
