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    Ant7t replied to the thread Random rubbishy records.
    Shall I look for the YouTube video to assist in your remembrance? ;) :P
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    Ant7t reacted to Muttley's post in the thread Random rubbishy records with Haha Haha.
    Yes, just remembered that, it was Anita Dobson and called Everyone Can Fall in Love (I think). Sadly I'm going to have that in my head...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Random rubbishy records.
    Could be. And, if I recall the words correctly, 'anyone can fall in love'? Who'd want to fall in love with a load of ruffians and thugs...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Random rubbishy records.
    It was. Didn't they decide to put words to the theme tune of the programme? Or was that Nick Berry who did that? I know he did the...
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    Ant7t reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Like Like.
    A friend always calls people like Dimsy a grinning Jackanape. I think it referred to a monkey automaton that claps with cymbals in his...
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    Ant7t reacted to Anna's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Haha Haha.
    Dead - within the first 5 minutes :ROFLMAO:
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    Ant7t reacted to Jojo1's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Haha Haha.
    Agree, if there was a drinking game during her shows that required a shot whenever she said amazing, incredible, unbelievable, wow...
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    Ant7t reacted to Deasmum's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Like Like.
    I am sure she is a lovely person, but she is a terrible presenter. It says a great deal about Gemporia's current state of disarray that...
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    Ant7t reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Like Like.
    I thought the experts told us that fissure-filled Rubies in gold-tone were legacy pieces? :eek:
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Lyndsay ....
    I remember that. I have a stretchy made of the Brazilian version. 'They' said, and I paraphrase, it still classes as ametrine coz it was...
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    Ant7t reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Like Like.
    Exactly. It really annoys me when they call it 'Tanzanite' to imply rarity or value. They say that Tanzanite is rare because it's a...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Favourite TV programmes.
    Seeing this put me in mind of an advert from 200 years ago that I thought was so sweet, I mentioned it on my FB.
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Lyndsay ....
    Yellow Zoisite from Tanzania :P As it 'should' be called. And golden tanzanite or not, it certainly, rare or otherwise, cannot be...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Lyndsay ....
    Really? Would never have thunk it would ya? :P
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Jade Troth is back.
    Can't say I've noticed, but now my ears will be peeled. :P