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    Ant7t replied to the thread Hattie leaving.
    Hattie's teasing the presenter to take over from her. Wouldn't it be funny if it was the gem specialist who goes by the intials DT? :P
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    How many times have they shown a ring and shown for comparison another ring, the same style? The other ring had diamonds and not zircon...
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    IMO a price comparison is only of value if it's truly like for like, something that seems to have passed Gemporia by. Not if (a) the...
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    Ant7t reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Monstrosities with Like Like.
    A lot of GC stones seem to be like this recently. I'm convinced that they're buying other companies 'rejects' cheaply and selling them...
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    Ant7t reacted to historymystery's post in the thread Monstrosities with Haha Haha.
    That may come as news to Charlie Barron!
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    Ant7t reacted to historymystery's post in the thread Gem Collector - ignorance with Like Like.
    It's a pity, because like many others I suppose, I started with them years ago, buying common cheaper gemstones that you mention, such...
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    Ant7t reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Gem Collector - ignorance with Like Like.
    The GC birthday date seems to vary anyway. Alex was always adamant that he launched Gem Collector on the very first day it aired as a...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Monstrosities.
    I'm on my way out, so I've yet to study this. I did a quick look for 'natural'. Found one on the page, for £95 at nearly 5ct. that looks...
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    I can't see the point of comparisons. They are rarely, if ever, like for like. Like talking of Jess. Earlier she was doing Aurora...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Monstrosities.
    Yup. How many times, as an example, has peridot been bettered by peridot over and over again?
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    Ant7t reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Monstrosities with Like Like.
    Yep, just like every parcel of gemstones they buy is better than the parcel they bought before - yet when they're selling it, they'll...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Gem Collector - ignorance.
    Just a quick interjection. Why are GC doing 20th birthday shows when 'they' are not 20. They have their own birthday, as does JM etc...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Monstrosities.
    Just because I'm here, as opposed to the DT thread, and as he's mentioned. Selling a red agate, he and his sidekick Lindsey. Said...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Random musings on TJC.
    Supposition, but maybe TJC are doing that to make it seem (to those who don't know) that they are separate entities. Did I hear side...
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    Ant7t reacted to AndyW's post in the thread Investment - A passing thought. with Like Like.
    No, no-one is suggesting that or is that naiiive. However, Gemporia should not try and compare their prices to a "gold price" that is...