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    Ant7t replied to the thread Jade Troth is back.
    We've had trouble with our TV provider, so I have been without TV access (of anything I want to watch anyway), for 5 days. Got it back...
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    I've only ever known it as a YT channel. But don't quote me: opposite ends of the world and all ;)
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    Ant7t reacted to Jojo1's post in the thread Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST! with Like Like.
    I think I saw that series if it was on ABC. The closest to regulation of Dr shysters we have is the Australian Health Practitioner...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Monstrosities.
    Goodness :P I've like him since before 1996. Someone I used to work with, who looked like butter wouldn't melt (not the Dr) lent me the...
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    Ant7t reacted to Jojo1's post in the thread Monstrosities with Like Like.
    We have much worse now then Kevin Blardy Wilson
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Monstrosities.
    Memory spark again. But first, I think the 'cabbage' looks better than the ring ;) And Kevin (insert word here beginning with B and...
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    Again, an aside, but if you don't know already, or have gathered, my mind wanders and is 'sparked' by a comment which is related to the...
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    Ant7t reacted to Jojo1's post in the thread Gemporia - ASA 'final warning' - AT LAST! with Like Like.
    Yep, as a Prof with a PhD that works in a university and has many acronyms behind their name, there is nothing to hide. But it’s the...
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    Two things. One. I worked with a Dr, who (not that Dr ;) ) taught as a Professor. I actually think he and his family are in NZ, at least...
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    For all the good the ASA are, can anyone see any point in them continuing to be in operation? All they do is to send the same old...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Film reviews (no spoilers).
    This is an oddly placed comment that I hope won't get deleted. But here I go. There I was, wandering Youtube and saw a recommendation...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Lyndsay ....
    Waiting for the clock to finish, realising there's not enough time so running it again? And just as they start, running it again, just...
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    Ant7t reacted to Battiola73's post in the thread Lyndsay ... with Like Like.
    she’s on at the moment, sounds as if she’s commentating on the last few furlongs of the Derby, the speed she’s garbling at.
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    Ant7t reacted to TheManWithNoName's post in the thread Jade Troth is back with Like Like.
    Requoting this post because I'm more convinced than ever that some of the so-called viewers messages are not what they seem - and I have...
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    Ant7t replied to the thread Jade Troth is back.
    Funny, he's selling a collection of loose stones, with his beloved jade too. Tells the world that they lost money the last time they did...