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      alter ego reacted to candycane's post in the thread What in God's name ....? with Like Like.
      At the end of the day you can wear what you want. It's up to customers what they buy. If you're too busy looking at the presenter's...
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      alter ego replied to the thread Alison Young.
      AY is the wrong age to lose a lot of weight a the elasticity has gone from her skin. Orange turnip, err, Trump is repulsive enough...
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      alter ego reacted to lynnonthelake's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      I know threads can go off track but to go from AY to Donald Trump is quite an achievement 😳
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      alter ego reacted to donna255's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      She has more than one horse and it is a farm. :rolleyes: Way back, someone on here met her at a showjumping event and even put photos...
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      alter ego reacted to Grizelda's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      It's his charismatic masculinity that makes him attractive to some women. I can understand how that trait can lure women into his orbit...
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      alter ego reacted to Jack Bohlen's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      I've been a beautician for over 40 years. No love, you've been flogging tat for 40 years. Still, fair play, she's got her horse and her...
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      alter ego reacted to ERICS MUM's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      Oh the irony of Alison and her 1001 genders, assuming she does it to attract the other 999 to buy her products. I imagine that only one...
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      alter ego reacted to Bea Frugal's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      They’ll never get rid of her but it’s time to give her a behind the scenes role. Maybe dress it up as a promotion. She’s quite...
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      alter ego reacted to candycane's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      Lordy, Lordy, funniest post I've read in a long time. I've never understood how Trump manages to get women to fancy him. Not even ten...
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      alter ego reacted to Patsy's post in the thread Alison Young with Like Like.
      I wouldn't want him no matter how desperate I was. He's repulsive and his face looks like a smacked a*se.🤢
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      alter ego replied to the thread Hairmax TSV 11/09/24.
      Don't bother. I have typical menopausal thinning. My nephew bought one for his thinning hair then gave it to my sister after he had a...
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      alter ego reacted to Sazza's post in the thread Hairmax TSV 11/09/24 with Like Like.
      TSV is Hairmax Actonis Dual Action Hair Growth Laser Comb
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      alter ego reacted to SUPERCOOLWILLOW's post in the thread Hairmax TSV 11/09/24 with Like Like.
      Beauty Tools & Accessories TSV 11/09/24
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      alter ego replied to the thread The Presenters!.
      I don't really care how they sound as long as they're a good and thorough presenter who doesn't come out with stupid comments, talk...
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      alter ego reacted to C-Lion's post in the thread The Presenters! with Like Like.
      I am one of them - but in the main it is because she keeps saying “you know”, which wynds me right on up. I shout no I don’t chuffing...
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