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    • Vienna
      Sorry for the original post but this offer ends on the 27th not the 29th, a typo mistake on my part.
    • Vienna
      If anybody is wanting their usual perfume or needs to buy any for Christmas or other gifts then the Perfume Shop are doing buy one get...
    • Vienna
      Vienna replied to the thread QVC sex talk 😬.
      I agree that nowadays people should be able to discuss any physical or sexual problem with their friends, immediate family or their GP...
    • Vienna
      Vienna replied to the thread QVC sex talk 😬.
      Crikey am I glad I missed out on the email and anything else related to this subject on Q. I had quite a chuckle thinking how my Mum...
    • Vienna
      Vienna replied to the thread Margaret Dabbs TSV 18/7/24.
      Thanks EM I`ll order him some and if it works for him I`ll see if he can get it on prescription. He`s such a pain for refusing to use...
    • Vienna
      Vienna reacted to ERICS MUM's post in the thread Margaret Dabbs TSV 18/7/24 with Like Like.
      Flexitol with 25% urea. It’s available on Amazon and probably Boots etc, but I get mine on prescription.
    • Vienna
      Vienna replied to the thread Margaret Dabbs TSV 18/7/24.
      Mr V is diabetic and could do with a good foot cream. Can you tell me the name of the one your nurse recommended EM ? Thanks.
    • Vienna
      Vienna replied to the thread Glad we are back.
      I returned from holiday just a few days ago and decided to go online to pay bills, check banking and emails etc but my laptop had died a...
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