YBF Stacey at Trump Inauguration


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Jun 24, 2008
Was surprised to see Stacey (Models Prefer/YBF) posting pictures of herself at Donald Trump's Inauguration on Facebook, posing with the celebrities and vice president and stating 'proud to be an American' :smirk:

After listening to her for years going on about empowering women and the YBF message 'to help all women of all ages, shapes and sizes recognize their full potential, both inside and out' I would have thought that Donald Trump would be the last person she'd support!! :mysmilie_13:


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Perhaps she thinks his administration will be more business-friendly? After all, she is a business woman. It would be daft to assume that all this wearing of vagina hats and the crooked Hillary love-in should appeal to every woman. Political allegiences are not defined by gender as the millions of women who voted for Trump attest.
Maybe, but as more women voted for Trump than for Hillary perhaps she had already factored that in.

That is actually incorrect. More women voted for Hillary not Trump. 54% of women voted for Hillary. Plus she gained the overall popular vote by over 2 million votes. If they had a true democratic vote of every vote counts, then Hillary would have been president.
Stacey goes on about women being her girlfriends. What about the Hispanic or African women who Trumps seems to despise? He is already stopped the cheap health care.

spot on donna. sdaly i have met ms stacey and i cant abide her. not suprised she is all over trump but hey :mysmilie_51:
Does anyone really believe that Hilary is pro-women? Or any better than Trump ethically?

Just do some research on the Clinton Foundation or consider how she tolerated Bill's treatment of women.

Trump is narcissistic but at least what you see is what you get. Plus I don't actually think he is racist or sexist.
Bill Clinton was a predator, what wife would stand by such a man unless she was going to get something staying by his side? I found the luvvies sucking up to Hilary sickening to be frank. I'd like to see a woman President, but not Hilary!
Unfortunately American politics is so complex and money orientated, it's impossible for an 'ordinary person' to become the President.
I liked Barack Obama myself, seemed like a really nice chap. He was very unpopular in the USA though, I think they had high expectations which he was unable to deliver (hamstrung, sadly, by both the Republican grip on Congress, and the NRA).
Not a Hillary fan myself. They could do with some young blood in my view, all the candidates are in their 60s and 70's by the time they get anywhere close to a nomination!
Enough with the politics,let's hear about meeting Stacey. I can image the OTT personality oozing from every pore... Yuk! I often wanted to stick her hair rollers where the sun don't shine:mysmilie_459:
Perhaps she could use her hair rollers to give DT a make-over ?

I think a lot of the outrageous things he comes out with are just 'bluster', using shock-jock tactics to be noticed. My theory is he will settle down and allow those in the corridors of power to run the country, guide him and recommend what actions he should take.

What next for Hilary ? Selling her own range of trouser suits on QVC US ? A model for Ken Paves ?

Yet another tangent - what does everyone think of Cordelia's new hair colour ?
Hilary will go on the paid speaking thing, big money in that. Also no doubt get a few consultancy things with a few big companies.

The donald dropped Palin very quickly along the way. She was up shouting how wonderful he was etc and then bang told to go back to Alaska. :mysmilie_15:

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