QVC Beauty OMG!


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Oct 16, 2015
Well I was a huge fan of QVC beauty and I bought every TSV going spent thousands over the years and I've got quite good skin.

This week I changed beauty consultants went to a new salon and got quite a schock!! When asked what I used on a daily basis and what makes I reeled off my routine, Elemis cleansing balm, Gatinau eye cream and neck gel, PCM moisture every morning. Eyebright throughout the day. Evening routine cleanse, tone and originating night cream, eye cream neck gel. Serum every other week. Also use body cream exfoliated body and face , foot cream hand cream, face mask twice a week. OMG what a faff ! Do t cause I always have.

the consultant looked at me like I was just out of an addiction clinic. She said you really do believe it all helps. She went on to explain the more you put on your skin your skin becomes lazy and you use more. Also I'm using over £500 worth of product.....yes I'm nuts. do I need it NO.

She has asked me for 2 weeks to cleans tone and moisture but keep using the eye cream nothing else no serums masks . Also she showed me a cheap bottle of toner, alcohol free from boots, almost the same as my £20 bottle.

the next few weeks are going to be interesting, she claims that although the hosts on QVC are trained they focus only on sales and a lot of the rest is BULL.

Watch this space!!!
I've worked in dermatology and I have always said there is absolutely NO NEED to layer multiple products on. Layering products is nothing but a sales ploy. It confuses the skin no end, and is completely unessential.

The placebo effect of using multiple products is always greater to the eye than the actual physical results to the skin.
Yes skin becomes lazy, you over exfoliate and your skin will stop doing it on its own.

Change brands add or take away something every so often. I remember chatting to the manager of my local Elemis counter and said about the products Keeley recommended. She told me no, just keep it simple cleanse, tone, moisturise. As you get old perhaps add a serum or eye serum. Always use sun protector.
Completely agree. My skincare regime is very pared down these days:

1. Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cleanser
2. Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream
3. Optional couple of drops of Dr Organics Rose Otto oil if skin is feeling a little dry.

That's it.

I drink minimum 2 litres a day of Badoit or San Pellegrino sparkling mineral water. I don't smoke, drink very little alcohol, don't consume sugar nor wheat. I've lost 6.5 stone. I have very few lines/wrinkles.

I'm in my mid forties and my skin has never looked better. It looks so much better than before losing the weight.

All the guff about serums, eye creams, neck creams, anti-ageing potions and lotions is pure marketing spiel by skincare companies to convince you to buy their products and will do very little for your skin, especially if you drink, smoke, sun bathe and eat sugar as well.
I'm in my 50s and my skin care routine is very simple. Cleanse, tone, moisturise at night and the same in the morning. I use a glycolic serum to moisturise at night or an oil but only ever the one product. I don't use a separate eye cream or neck cream. I have next to no wrinkles. People always assume I'm in my 40s rather than my 50s.

My top tip is a vitamin supplement and the one thing money can't buy ... a lucky dip in the gene pool. I'm hugely grateful to my parents that my ageing genes are gooduns. Mind you a size 18 backside does me a few favours in the wrinkles stakes as well.
There is an interview with Nigella Lawson in this month's Good Housekeeping (November) where she says she doesn't use many products. I have always admired her complexion. She does say she uses SPF 50 even in winter.
Oooo! do keep us updated! Don't feel you have 'wasted' money on your previous routine as you have enjoyed it.I am sure it will have had advantages & your skin will have benefited.I don't know your age but I am now 68 & have spent on good skincare since I was a teenager, & I could have saved my cash & had surgery now (NOT!) Some can come from your genes but taking care of your skin pays ( I look at women by age & compare!)I now look at my regime & select the items I really like & think are good for me & then listen to the presentations on Q & do not be sucked into the new wonder product.
I agree with all the above. My "toning" is so cheap it comes out of a tap ! Ever since I read that Paul Newman plunged his face into a bowl of ice cubes every day to tighten up his face, I've done similar - only its an ice cold flannel slapped on my chops ! Done it for years and it HAS worked.

Another beauty trick I've used since a teenager (with large ****s) is to sleep in my bra. Best thing I ever did. It stopped the breast muscles from dropping over the years, and now at nearer than 70 than 60, I have a good 'uplift'.
Wish I'd have done that Brissles, I tie mine round me waist when I go to bed save them getting in the way.
There is an interview with Nigella Lawson in this month's Good Housekeeping (November) where she says she doesn't use many products. I have always admired her complexion. She does say she uses SPF 50 even in winter.
I thought that Nigella was no stranger to botox and fillings but this is just my observation and I may be wrong.
I agree with all the above. My "toning" is so cheap it comes out of a tap ! Ever since I read that Paul Newman plunged his face into a bowl of ice cubes every day to tighten up his face, I've done similar - only its an ice cold flannel slapped on my chops ! Done it for years and it HAS worked.

Rather than making a bowl or a tray of ice I heard people run a cube of ice over the face for 20 seconds. The cube can be frozen herbal tea (eg camomile) of fresh juice (eg cucumber) for enhanced benefits.
My mother is in her late 80s and has never used anything but soap & cold water on her face - not even a moisturiser. She has no lines or wrinkles, just great genes.
i use soap sometimes or a wash off cleanser and a glycolic product at night superdrug night cream £5.00 every 4-5 months. and aldi spf 20 everyday £1.80 every 4-5 moths. your not cheating ageing with excessive use of skincare just your pocket. look at fiona, keely et all do they look all that? no they dont
I'm in my 50s and my skin care routine is very simple. Cleanse, tone, moisturise at night and the same in the morning. I use a glycolic serum to moisturise at night or an oil but only ever the one product. I don't use a separate eye cream or neck cream. I have next to no wrinkles. People always assume I'm in my 40s rather than my 50s.

My top tip is a vitamin supplement and the one thing money can't buy ... a lucky dip in the gene pool. I'm hugely grateful to my parents that my ageing genes are gooduns. Mind you a size 18 backside does me a few favours in the wrinkles stakes as well.

As I have been set off on a Barbara Cartland nostalgia trip by a recent thread, I thought that you might like to hear her comment on people like us. As everyone knows, you can have a scraggy face and great figure, or be relatively wrinkle-free and have a big bottom.

"After a certain age, a woman should be content to have a pretty face, and sit down as soon as she enters a room."
Thanks for all your comments, I'm sitting on my hands for the next 48 hours NO Liz Earle for me. I have put my stash where I can see it. 3 bottles of Decleor Iris oil think I'll do eBay. My stash is over £500 if you count individual item prices in fact it's over £700 ! Didn't include the shower gels and nail polishes not used.

I'm 59 and I'm going to do the simple skin routine for 14 days and see what comes. I'll also be interested to see my bank balance.
I`ve always kept things simple. Our skin is the biggest organ of our bodies and you wouldn`t scrub your liver or layer chemicals onto your heart or peel your kidneys etc so I won`t do it to my face.
I wash my face in the mornings with an unfragranced face wash and then wipe it over with a lavender hydrolat which is the water condensed from steaming lavender flowers to make lavender oil and then I apply a simple cheap moisturiser with an SPF factor. At night I cleanse with a cream cleanser , wipe over with the lavender water again and I use either a night oil ( AD Synergy) or an aloe vera gel, I buy a lot from Naturally Thinking and it costs me a tenner for 1000 ml of the lavender water, a couple of pounds for their liquid facewash base and their cucumber cleansing base, around a fiver for their fabulous aloe vera gel which is nothing at all like the SBC gels and you have to massage it in as you would a face cream.
Do let us know how you get on, Mia56. What a great thread. I absolutely agree less is more when it comes to skincare. It sometimes feels as though complicated skin care regimes are three steps forward, two steps back, I.e, scrub, cleanse, exfoliate your skin within an inch of its life, thereby stripping it of oils and goodness, and then pat in moisturisers, serums, eye creams etc to try to get it looking half way decent.

I recently switched to Aldi Lacura moisturise with SPF. My skin feels velvety soft and my forehead lines are a bit less obvious. I do a really good cleanse at night, with a cream or gel cleanser, sometimes using a cloth to exfoliate. If it's been a heavy make up day, I will use philosophy's Purity cleanser. Then I splash my face with cold water and use either AD skin synergy oil, JM Argan oil or a rich moisturiser. I will always do a little facial massage before bed either with my fingers or using a roller thingy from the Body shop. I have recently started using an aloe Vera gel on my eyes (from Naturally Thinking). Then in the morning, I just wash my face with water, use LE IBST or cold water to tone and the Lacura moisturiser with SPF.

My skin looks and feels good. I do think genes play a part, and obviously diet. Of course QVC wants us to layer endless products - more sales for them! Well I'm not buying into it!
Laura I'll keep you posted, what a day I've had. Put everything on the bed that I've bought looked for sell by dates and started to think what to do with it all!!! Honest if you saw it all you would laugh, I feel a real dope. Just called my daughter to see what she wanted, her reply was I'd rather have your jewellery. She buys from Boots. Think my table gifts at Christmas will be super for the girls this year!
My routine is very simple. Cleanse- remove with a hot cloth. I alternate between Elemis balm and Alpha H atm. I don't bother with toner. I am using a Judith Williams phytomineral serum under my moisturiser but when it's used up I probably won't replace. I use the same moisturiser at night as I do during the day. I use a primer on top of the moisturiser before applying make up. I have been using an eye cream since I reached 40. I use a body lotion when I can remember and like Decleor and L'Occitane ones (but got a free Neals Yard one on a magazine). I always use the free samples shops give away and the ones you get in magazines. I have started to try Alpha H liquid gold twice a week, on its own. I like the way it feels but I can't see a difference in my skin if I'm honest so cancelled the auto delivery. Never bother with masks and only use sunscreen if I am out for any length of time on a sunny day. I wear large sunglasses pretty much all year round in bright sunshine. I sleep well, eat well, dont sunbathe but I like wine and drink lots of tea. I am told I look in my 30's rather than my 40's.

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