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mr tom

Registered Shopper
Jun 5, 2013
east london
Good morning everyone. I did a similar thread on the bid tv forum and seeing as this channel this clearly morphing into that entity, I felt it may be appropriate to continue in the same vein.

I wonder who looked at bid TV's business model, saw it piss money up the wall and decided ''that will work on ideal world''

I don't expect this thread to be anywhere near as successful as the bid thread but no harm in jotting down your observations upon watching this assumed decline in quality shopping tv.
Oh I think it will get lots of post's it will from me anyway.

Hyperbole, I am sick of hearing the 'Outstanding', ''Unbelievable', '' Off the scale good', 'Incredible', wordage used by some of the presenting staff, it is starting to mean nothing, and the usage is inversely proportional to the quality of the goods on sale.
Good morning everyone. I did a similar thread on the bid tv forum and seeing as this channel this clearly morphing into that entity, I felt it may be appropriate to continue in the same vein.

I wonder who looked at bid TV's business model, saw it piss money up the wall and decided ''that will work on ideal world''

I don't expect this thread to be anywhere near as successful as the bid thread but no harm in jotting down your observations upon watching this assumed decline in quality shopping TV.

I have to say, I don't watch to much telly selly any more. However the Bid/PD fiasco was hypnotic slow motion comedy car crash GOLD, I couldn't believe my eyes or ears on some of the presentations. Just fast forward a few months and now I/W are heading the same way. I think the self destruct button has been firmly pushed into obvious oblivion with the new addition of the same mob that were evident at the demise of that channel. It has been said many time before that the apparent disbelief or amazement at the most mundane piece of tat can almost bring some presenters to time and time again experience the same amazement the following day as if the tat has not been shown before. Also while I have the floor - the double description of something being absolutely stunning / beautiful / amazing / etc, loses it's appeal after the same description applies for everything. And the tech lady doing the Tablet, please change the format, where's Janice - she's in the bedroom - oh purleeeese! I/W it is becoming a novelty show as was the other now defunct channel.
my personal favourite is the memory foam mattress, when they drop a bowling ball on it and then show a video of a lorry running over it.... though it does cut away fairly fast after the second attempt.

Also the guy who is the mattress expert these days, also is the expert of the restwell 'why not buy four of them' chairs. Not impressed.
Just been watching Peter Thompson aka Dirty Peter with Chef Paul selling the all new singing and dancing Actifry. I had to turn over. The inuendo....'we don't like pink do we crew, we like something a little darker' then licks his lips :puke: there were lots more and bear in mind this is dinner time. It's in the gutter this channel with the likes of him.

He picks up a compote dessert that's been made in the actifry, poured over ice cream and meringue. He says he's never seen anything quite like it and certainly never eaten it before as he couldn't afford it!!!!!!!!! He then proceeds to shovel it into his dirty gob, purposely, so he gets it all over his face.

Yep, as someone said before, he's bought his ACT along with him and it's as disgusting as ever it was........yuk!
I can't quite see how the 'powers that be' are allowing Dirty Peter on IW. Let's not get off on the wrong stance though, Ideal World has long long long ago stopped being an 'ok' shopping channel, back in the day when they had more than 6 ranges I mean. Yes non-believers, IW did used to stock about 5 ranges of jewellery, that's 5 RANGES, not 5 colours of ring :p They too used to have a fair few beauty ranges, and some other things which aren't Karcher, Wagner, Drill All, or Tower :p
Lately though, IW has become just the bog standard same few products we could all name if pressed; just rotated between Pick Of The Day, Blockbuster and fill-in other hour. I honestly don't see why they have paid the staff the last 2 years or more, surely just repeat the same one hour presentation, with least annoying member of staff and change the graphics? The treat viewers like we have brains made of potato anyway, so I'm thinking they could assume we wouldn't notice.
But now? Dirty Peter, who even makes Paul Brodel seem more Sidney Poitier than Sid James (as he usually comes accross) and poor Joe was noticeably cringing when he was presenting with him. Joe even had to point out that Peter had only once in 55 minutes said "Flexi-pay" correctly whilst laughing at him :) Peter can't even string a sentence together, its almost sad to watch. Meanwhile Mikey Barra-boi couldn't be more patronising if he tried, and Paul Beqcue and Gen seem to be in a perpetual shouting competition.
The channel, whilst I honestly thought had hit the very bottom, has sunk to new lows, the only plus being it's humorous and this splendid thread, much missed from the Bid forums, is back, with its many splendid contributors.
I shall, for one, be even more glued to IW now, for the comedy gold genuis of Dirty Peter, (who added a 'not only' in a written on screen quote of Thomas Kinkade last night :p) and the many many failings of the channel.
Thank you to the contributors of this thread, who will, no doubt have me spitting tea at the monitor as I LOL :)
I can't quite see how the 'powers that be' are allowing Dirty Peter on IW. Let's not get off on the wrong stance though, Ideal World has long long long ago stopped being an 'ok' shopping channel, back in the day when they had more than 6 ranges I mean. Yes non-believers, IW did used to stock about 5 ranges of jewellery, that's 5 RANGES, not 5 colours of ring :p They too used to have a fair few beauty ranges, and some other things which aren't Karcher, Wagner, Drill All, or Tower :p
Lately though, IW has become just the bog standard same few products we could all name if pressed; just rotated between Pick Of The Day, Blockbuster and fill-in other hour. I honestly don't see why they have paid the staff the last 2 years or more, surely just repeat the same one hour presentation, with least annoying member of staff and change the graphics? The treat viewers like we have brains made of potato anyway, so I'm thinking they could assume we wouldn't notice.
But now? Dirty Peter, who even makes Paul Brodel seem more Sidney Poitier than Sid James (as he usually comes accross) and poor Joe was noticeably cringing when he was presenting with him. Joe even had to point out that Peter had only once in 55 minutes said "Flexi-pay" correctly whilst laughing at him :) Peter can't even string a sentence together, its almost sad to watch. Meanwhile Mikey Barra-boi couldn't be more patronising if he tried, and Paul Beqcue and Gen seem to be in a perpetual shouting competition.
The channel, whilst I honestly thought had hit the very bottom, has sunk to new lows, the only plus being it's humorous and this splendid thread, much missed from the Bid forums, is back, with its many splendid contributors.
I shall, for one, be even more glued to IW now, for the comedy gold genuis of Dirty Peter, (who added a 'not only' in a written on screen quote of Thomas Kinkade last night :p) and the many many failings of the channel.
Thank you to the contributors of this thread, who will, no doubt have me spitting tea at the monitor as I LOL :)

We aim to please, :mysmilie_17:
Now bois and gerils its cock of the IW walk 'ere, ya local market trayda doin it for da famlee! :mysmilie_8: Sorry if this has been discussed before but I hear Andy Love is moving on, Anyone know where he is going? Maybe take a few of the others with him :happy:
Sorry if this has been discussed before but I hear Andy Love is moving on, Anyone know where he is going? Maybe take a few of the others with him :happy:

He has left Ideal World, but he hasn't gone very far, he is with Create and Craft starting from next week.
He has left Ideal World, but he hasn't gone very far, he is with Create and Craft starting from next week.

Oh NO!!!!!!!!! I hate watching him and was pleased he was with IW not C&C. :mysmilie_51:

I don't watch much of either channel these days but he's a big turn-off for me (along with a few others... Loen and Dennice spring to mind) even if I like the product.

I actually got an email today from IW about the benefits of flexipay, one wonders why??????????? I personally hate using it so wasn't bothered, if I don't have the money I don't buy, since I don't want to be in debt - it's far too easy to buy on flexipay and if you can't keep track of the 2, 3 or 4 monthly payments you could get a nasty shock at some point in the future.

One wonders if the powers that be are actually taking note of what is being said on forums.... this can't be the only one that's rubbishing the direction that the channel is heading.
Perhaps the golden age of tv shopping is coming to an end - having eventually run out of new customers who will fall for the hype and buy over-priced tat. :mysmilie_11:
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I don't think the golden age of shopping telly is coming to an end, 18,000 new customers who had never purchased from QVC before, did so last month alone. I think the problem is Ideal World, where they used to be a fairly watchable and even (deep breath) worth a purchase here and there, nowadays it's just laughable.
They need to get new products, but I'm guessing that the problem is no-one will supply them on their terms. Look at all the companies who have left them to go to QVC. I remember a supplier to IW posted on here, annonymously of course, saying how Ideal's terms were unworkable.
All seems to be going a bit gimmicky if you ask me. Mike barro-boi was almost falling over himself this afternoon to emphasise Flexi-pay over and over and on every item and combinations of items. Even made it sound, to trained ears here, like you got something cheaper if you used it. Also they are now banging on the 'try it first' angle, weeeel yeah, if you discount the cost of sending every item back via a tracked service, can you imagine how much the Karcher would be!!!! and also remembering that lots of things now can't actually be sent via cheaper couriers too........ I know when I was sending perfume for an example, I could ONLY send by Royal Mail.

Anyhoo as nice as Andy Love seemed, he was just as bad as them all, who, in my opinion, would sell their grandmothers for one more sale. QVC presenters prove (some of them) that these low down and outright shoddy tactics are un-neccessary, but then, if you sell quality, you don't generally need tictacs :)
I just wonder how many of those 18,000 new customers will still be buying next month or even next year. It only takes some people one bad experience to put them off, whether it's faulty goods, late delivery, or poor customer service.
I read about more and more people not bothering to watch - I haven't watched IW for about 6 months (not bought anything for 18 months) and I've not watched or bought from Q for nearly 4 years.
I can almost always find what I want cheaper online and I hate the hard sell.... I've walked out of shops in the past when the assistants have been over keen, so I hate any hard sell and switch off. I can't be the only one who feels like this and there must be many more like me who aren't on this or anyother forum.
I just wonder how many of those 18,000 new customers will still be buying next month or even next year. It only takes some people one bad experience to put them off, whether it's faulty goods, late delivery, or poor customer service.
I read about more and more people not bothering to watch - I haven't watched IW for about 6 months (not bought anything for 18 months) and I've not watched or bought from Q for nearly 4 years.
I can almost always find what I want cheaper online and I hate the hard sell.... I've walked out of shops in the past when the assistants have been over keen, so I hate any hard sell and switch off. I can't be the only one who feels like this and there must be many more like me who aren't on this or anyother forum.

That's pretty much how I feel too! Then I needed to do a search on line for an item, and stumbled onto this forum about a year ago. I hope that new customers finding information about sale items do the same. They can see feedback from more informed customers. All ready to share the good and bad experiences - but sadly I fear mostly bad. I wonder how many of the new 18,000 new customers (allegedly) are going to have a positive outcome? More importantly, how many of the 18,000 will find this forum?
Oh noes :( 'Giftable' has arrived on Ideal World. Only a matter of time I guess, I'm assuming 'get this for your kids teachers' will be next :(
Christmas shopping was in full swing lunchtime with Joanne and her amazing jewellery. Bits of silver, gold plated unappealing stuff imo. Jewellery is best left to Gems really, they have that in the bag as far as I'm concerned.

It was all a bit haphazard too, 'cluster ring' shown on the graphics turned out to be not the right description for what she was holding and it was sometime before this was noticed. Imagine if you'd ordered? Also she had a gold plated knot pendant that she was asking the producer or whoever to order for her (yes, that old chestnut) :dull: and it came with a 'free' set of silver earrings, wowee......but they bore no resemblance to the pendant. Thought to myself, well it's IW, they do cobble any old bits together. Then a few items on, she showed another necklace that 'if you bought it from Tiffanys, you could put a 1 in front of the price that IW are selling it for' Strange thing is, the earrings that were 'free' with the earlier necklace, seemed to match this one perfectly :mysmilie_506: I wonder if they'd cOcked that up too?

Anyhoo as nice as Andy Love seemed, he was just as bad as them all, who, in my opinion, would sell their grandmothers for one more sale. QVC presenters prove (some of them) that these low down and outright shoddy tactics are un-neccessary, but then, if you sell quality, you don't generally need tictacs :)

it's funny you should say that. During their 'fashion week' as it's not like there isn't enough of them on shopping tv..... Loen Love roped her mum into show off the woodland leather jacket.
Actually, I just flicked through the channels, now actually Dennnnice's lovely friend Sean was actually on, no doubt this has actually been said before but actually how many times an hour or actually in a sale actually does Sean actually say actually? Its actually incredible actually, and he fits it into sentence when you would think its actually impossible to get the word in actually.

Does no producer or the sales assistant ever ***** the past shows they have done to see if they can actually improve and learn from what they actually have done in the past?
Actually, I just flicked through the channels, now actually Dennnnice's lovely friend Sean was actually on, no doubt this has actually been said before but actually how many times an hour or actually in a sale actually does Sean actually say actually? Its actually incredible actually, and he fits it into sentence when you would think its actually impossible to get the word in actually.

Does no producer or the sales assistant ever ***** the past shows they have done to see if they can actually improve and learn from what they actually have done in the past?


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