The Deal Breaker
Registered Shopper
Hi Everyone,
I am looking to buy an item for a special someone, not an engagement ring or anything but just a nice gift to show this special someone how much she means to me and hopefully will bring a smile to her face and perhaps exacerbate her beauty (if that is possible).
Someone suggested to me that there are some really good pieces of jewellrey on the shopping channels and, whilst an erstwhile consumer of crafts and DIY products from IW, I really have no idea what is reputable in the jewellrey department.
She sometimes hints that she likes purple, and gold is a definite no no but i think perhaps a silver ring with a purple gem might be appropriate.
Please offer me any advice as to what you think might be the best places/times to look or perhaps if you could advise me on any products in particular.

I am looking to buy an item for a special someone, not an engagement ring or anything but just a nice gift to show this special someone how much she means to me and hopefully will bring a smile to her face and perhaps exacerbate her beauty (if that is possible).
Someone suggested to me that there are some really good pieces of jewellrey on the shopping channels and, whilst an erstwhile consumer of crafts and DIY products from IW, I really have no idea what is reputable in the jewellrey department.
She sometimes hints that she likes purple, and gold is a definite no no but i think perhaps a silver ring with a purple gem might be appropriate.
Please offer me any advice as to what you think might be the best places/times to look or perhaps if you could advise me on any products in particular.