Worth joining the members club?


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Registered Shopper
Mar 7, 2009
Am just starting out so have, well, nuffink tbh - would it be worth joining the members club or......? Not sure how much I'd buy from here, p&p seems quite high?
I did see a lovely card kit this morning, not really the direction I want to go in for card making (just assembling & glueing! lol) but thought it might inspire me to make something similar from scratch myself! lol
The response :mysmilie_1890: would seem indicative of the answer, kitten. :mysmilie_17:
Hello, Kitten :mysmilie_348:

The membership is worth it if you buy alot of items, especially the more expensive ones, that's when the 10% discount really comes into it's own.

The online mag is good as a reference for card folds or certain techniques you've seen but can't quite manage/fathom them out on your own....the videos are very good and comprehensive and most importantly, no interuptions from scrounging emailers :mysmilie_17:

Imo, although I don't look at the mag all that often it is worth the £10.00...saying that, I got mine when it was free!
I have been a member for the past three years and I have got more than my money back.
The postage is very high so I usually buy three things at a time and always go through Quidco.I bought the nestabilities a couple of weeks back so saved a few pounds then.Must admit I rarely look at the online magazine.
Once your membership ends you lose the online mags, unless you buy the cd's. I often buy direct from people like Joanna Sheen as there's no postage to pay.
The 10% is often wiped out by the P+P so it's not much of a saving, unless you buy several things for the capped P+P of £7.99. The P+P can double the cost of some smaller items.
I won't rejoin as I don't get much from them now so it's pointless.

AS others have said, the answer is no unless you buy a lot from them. The online mag is ok, but you can get far more inspiration just by googling craft websites/blogs. The 'free gift' is usually pants and something they want rid of because it doesn;t sell, and you still have to pay P&P for it.
I think a few folk (like me) got the membership when they were giving a £10 discount at the same time (£10 to join and then £10 off your order, in otherwords nothing to join!!), if they do another offer like that it is worth it.
Thanks for all replies peeps, I don't think I would buy much from them as their p&p charges are just plain stupid, a shame as they have some nice stuff! :(
(Sorry for late reply, I forgot I'd posted this thread........poor old thing, eh? lol)
There are a lot of websites which are cheaper than Create&Craft/Ideal World and who don't charge an arm and a leg for P&P.

There is a website pondskippercrafts.co.uk/ which often gets the kits from C&C - I could have saved a fortune if I'd waited.

Another site madaboutcards.co.uk has a great selection of items for 50p and £1. The best thing you can do if you see something on C&C/IW is to Google a search for the item and chances are you'll find it much cheaper and in a lot of cases lower or even free P&P.
Thanks for all replies peeps, I don't think I would buy much from them as their p&p charges are just plain stupid, a shame as they have some nice stuff! :(
(Sorry for late reply, I forgot I'd posted this thread........poor old thing, eh? lol)

Always be prepared for the unexpected.....they may throw in one of their p&p free weekends and take us all by surprise....don't hold your breath though! :D
I think the membership is generally good value as it's £20 but you get £10 back as a voucher. When they first started the club it was £60. The craft extravaganza's are brill and the general range of products are great.
If we didn't buy from Ideal World and C&C we wouldn't be able to watch craft tv as we do, it has to be funded somehow. You may be able to get some cheap ex C&C products at pondskipper etc but C&C or Ideal World is where you can see what you can do with them or get some inspiration.
Well I'm flipping steaming:mysmilie_73:

I thought about this for a long while and decided I could save a bit by joining so I go to do just that today. They only go and want to charge me £9.90 onto the price for delivery to Ireland and no I did not order the cds just the bog standard p&P free option. I'm quite disappointed having psyched myself up to join :mysmilie_34:
Well I'm flipping steaming:mysmilie_73:

I thought about this for a long while and decided I could save a bit by joining so I go to do just that today. They only go and want to charge me £9.90 onto the price for delivery to Ireland and no I did not order the cds just the bog standard p&P free option. I'm quite disappointed having psyched myself up to join :mysmilie_34:

That is ridiculous, yes to post to Ireland is more expensive than UK but the difference surely can't be £9.90?? :mysmilie_11:
I didn't know they would have to post me anything for joining, I thought the subscription was all electronic and at most a receipt in the post if that. The capped postage to Ireland works out ok but I am hardly going to pay it when there isn't a physical product.
I didn't know they would have to post me anything for joining, I thought the subscription was all electronic and at most a receipt in the post if that. The capped postage to Ireland works out ok but I am hardly going to pay it when there isn't a physical product.

Good grief they want £9.90 to send an e-mail???? :mysmilie_1051:
Only know from my other half, but she has been a member for over a year now (having just renewed) and she loves the magazine projects and being able to go at her own pace.
Bet your wife wasn't stung for £9.90 extra on the price tag though. I'm just peeved but I imagine it is a good buy at £20
Must be a mistake surely? What are they posting??? :mysmilie_81:

I don't order very often, but I usually wait until I can order several items at once to get the capped postage of £7.95 and then think of the 10% discount as a way of covering the P&P charge! :)
Well I don't get it but I'm sure you will be astounded to hear that customer service were no help at all. I thought the capped postage (9.90) to Ireland would mean I could afford the heavier bits like cardstock etc. I just don't don't see where they think they're going with this but I have some suggestions:D

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