I see the almond shower oil has a few fans here. Could anybody try to describe it for me? (I know it's hard, but any attempt would be most appreciated!).
Now, here's my dilemma: I had never tried L'Occitane until a few days ago, so I was really keen to try this TSV although was disappointed about the lack of body lotion (still am to tell you the truth). Anyway, I had no idea about what any of their fragances are like, not having tried anything, but was more inclined to go for the warm, as I really like almond-smelling products usually.
Anyway, I was in Bicester Village last week, so I popped into the L'Occitane shop and, well, it was a revelation! They don't have the full stock there, so I couldn't smell everything, and they don't have the new fragances that are in the TSV. Still, seeing the products face to face and being able to have a little try, I was sold on their quality. I ended up spending almost £70, although half of that was for my MIL's xmas pressie (they put the products in the most gorgeous box free of charge for me, and wrapped the whole thing in tissue paper which they generously sprayed with verbena parfume - I was VERY impressed!).
I have totally fallen in love with the Rose nuit de Mai shimmering body lotion, and regret not buying the shea butter body lotion, which was a very good price, once I compared it with QVC's price. So, the dilemma is, shall I go for this TSV which has no body lotion and stuff I don't really care about (like the hand wash) or save the money for another spree at the Bicester shop? I am intrigued by the almond oil (which was not available there).
So, I am asking you, my friends: what shall I do? (F.a.r.t.e.rs need not reply to this one, I can guess what your advice would be!:tongue2

. Cheers!