Oh dear Julia!!!


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Jun 24, 2008
I really don't mind Julia....but I've just tuned in and she's co presenting an extremely expensive bit of kit (Aero pilates machine) £418.00 & £7.95 p&p. There she is in her gym kit, sadly looking like a beached whale, blathering on about how stringy old Marjeolin got her into this and how she's been using this machine for 21 years. She mentioned her ankle surgery, so yes, she can totally be forgiven for not being able to exercise for a quite a while, she mentioned that she used to be a dancer, and mentioned her lovely toned and strong arms and how wonderful this is for a 64 year old. Sorry dear, but your arms look ok, but they don't look as amazing as you think they do - But hey, you're trying to shift an extremely expensive, bulky bit of kit, that not only would be a considered purchase pricewise, but you'd also have to consider "is it worth the space it'll take up in my home?" Ignore the 2 BA's they'd be about 20 or 30 years younger than Julia and are both tall, skinny and toned. If they want to sell a machine to the QVC customer who's a little bit older, conscious of their weight so don't want to to to a gym, and want to do a low impact exercise - Are they really gonna look at JR and think wow "that's something to work towards? #fitness goals!!! I don't think so. Sorry Julia, but what's the point in having skinny little arms and legs, when they're attached to a barrel complete with a couple of spare tyres? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad she's happy in her own skin and has confidence in herself, and that she enjoys and doesn't struggle with the exercise...but if they want to convince us to part with that sort of money, she's not a great advert for it, especially if she really is the long term user she claims to be.
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I don't want to watch it. I had that image - that can never be unseen, imprinted on my brain when she last presented the equipment, and that WAS when Margerine was the BA.

I don't care how toned your arms are, just look at the lower arm - in a younger person there is never that line from elbow to wrist that can be seen in the mirror, something only seen in an older body. I only noticed it when I wondered why my body 'looked' old. I have trim legs and my bottom half is less chunkier than the top half - by that I don't mean belly, I mean my bust upwards. Suddenly my hefty upper arms and broad back make me look so much larger !
It was quite a horrendous sight! How ever well the damned thing was presented I'd never part with that sort of money for something like that - but I still think they'd appeal to more potential buyers if they showed a few before and after shots of people who've been using it for a while, and by all means let somebody who's not in greatest of shape demonstrate it on air. This will illustrate how easy it is to use regardless of your shape and size, and if Julia had said "I'm trying this out for the first time, I've had ankle surgery, I've got problem areas I'd like to improve and I'm finding this really do-able and I know I'll be able to stick to it" etc etc - fair do's -but to roll on set looking like Moby Dick in Lycra and tell us she's been using the machine for 21 bloody years is sending a very clear message. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THIS MACHINE - IT DOES NOT WORK!!!!
I have one of these bought years ago, I liked it but dragging it out and setting up, putting away was a no no because of the weight of the thing.It moved with me here and has been in the garage until lockdown and I thought I can have it out all the time.There is nobody but me going to see it.Well I didn’t get past the first warm up and thought it was affecting my back.Today I put it back in the garage.My exercise is walking, not every day, but out in the fresh sea air, much better.
I have one of these bought years ago, I liked it but dragging it out and setting up, putting away was a no no because of the weight of the thing.It moved with me here and has been in the garage until lockdown and I thought I can have it out all the time.There is nobody but me going to see it.Well I didn’t get past the first warm up and thought it was affecting my back.Today I put it back in the garage.My exercise is walking, not every day, but out in the fresh sea air, much better.
Ditto. I have one I bought years ago. When I first bought it I used to use it but for the last few years its been in my small bedroom folded up with a blanket over it. I'm like you I've taken up walking and go down to the beach for some fresh sea air.

If anyone wants the machine they can have it but you would have to collect it
This is the thing with these damn great pieces of equipment. The number of times I've seen walking machines set up in the corner of a living room / spare bedroom, and gathering dust. They're only fit for the home gymnasiums in the mansions of footballers. The rest of us might just as well invest in an Eamonn & Ruthless sit down leg vibrator 🤭 or, go for a nice walk with the dog or along the sea front.
I have one of these bought years ago, I liked it but dragging it out and setting up, putting away was a no no because of the weight of the thing.It moved with me here and has been in the garage until lockdown and I thought I can have it out all the time.There is nobody but me going to see it.Well I didn’t get past the first warm up and thought it was affecting my back.Today I put it back in the garage.My exercise is walking, not every day, but out in the fresh sea air, much better.
I too have one of these, I bought it off a friend, still in the box. She bought it in 2007 and she said the only exercise she’d had was dragging the box upstairs and shoving it under the bed! Ive had it for 7 years and am just in the process of being made redundant, I have tidied out the spare room, the machine is out of the box and all I have to do is drag it upstairs and set it up but like MML I also have sore arms so I need to be careful. I’m off to see a physiotherapist in a couple of weeks before my BUPA subscription ends. I don’t expect it to make me look like Margerine Burgervan, I just need to strengthen my muscles 💪
You really don't have to spend anything to stay fit and toned. For weights use what's in the kitchen (tins of stuff etc) and google exercises to do at home, and as Dame F says, download stuff - yoga apps etc, on the net. Walking is brilliant or whatever floats your boat.
I would give my right arm just to be able to take my three little Yorkshire Terriers for a walk. Instad, I pay someone to take them three times a week. Apart from having osteoarthritis, I have no idea what is wrong with me, but life is no fun. I’m 72 now and was always reasonably fit and walked for miles, I don’t recognise my life now, but I have suddenly in the past months got terrible balance problems, so acared I fall all the time. Very down because of all these changes, and feel vulnerable.

All I would tell Julia is be careful of your boasting because I never said so at the time, but I looked better and was fitter than you boast of being now. You need to take some length off your hair too.

Julia your health and look can change in a heartbeat!
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This is the thing with these damn great pieces of equipment. The number of times I've seen walking machines set up in the corner of a living room / spare bedroom, and gathering dust. They're only fit for the home gymnasiums in the mansions of footballers. The rest of us might just as well invest in an Eamonn & Ruthless sit down leg vibrator 🤭 or, go for a nice walk with the dog or along the sea front.
So true..some of you may know I bought the bike box from IW some years ago, to be fair, it's really compact and is currently hidden behind the sofa, but rarely sees the light of day! It's a bit of a faff to get out and set up, and I find the exercise arduous and boring. I've tried watching tv whilst using it, but that doesn't really help much....so b*gger buying something of that size and having to drag that out and set it up before you've even started, and then have repeat the process to put it back. The only exercise equipment I really enjoyed using was my gravity walker, low impact and perfect to plonk in front of the telly. OH made me get shot of it 'cause even when folded, it was bulky and it took up too much room. I replaced it with a half size version that folds up small (that's hidden behind the table) I use it more often than the bike box, and should use it more really because it's very easy to do, and doesn't feel like hard work. Best thing though and believe it or not it was a QVC purchase was "Gwee gym lite" It was about £30 and consists of a resistance cord with handles and footholds and it fits into a small drawstring bag - The exercise is non strenuous, but it does feel like you're doing something if that makes sense - It's different to other resistance band products I've seen on the market, because it's designed with the older person in mind. IW also do a version of the gravity walker that I've got but it's got a top bit you can attach to tone your arms it's about £60 and I wouldn't mind it myself but it wouldn't be able to be tucked away as I've not got the room, so I'll stick with one I've got. For upper arm toning, you can't go wrong with the Forbes Riley spin gym, it's really tiny and great fun to use once you've got the knack, again, it fits into a really tiny bag - so small I lost mine lol! - added to shopping list!
Another key thing for me when it comes to exercise, I want something that I don't need to wear gym gear in order to use - No rolling around in lycra for me thank you!!! As for the various exercise dvds you can get...forget it...I'm knackered and bored before the warm up exercises have finished!
I want to learn, but can't put any weight on my arms, as all the joints are really painful.
Mml, a doctor told me ten years ago that Xrays showed that my back was in such a bad way (arthritis) that I'd end up in a wheelchair and there was nothing she could do for me. My reaction was, well, sod you, if you won't help me I'll have to help myself. I found some very easy exercises (some I concocted myself) for the back, knees, hips and shoulders which I started in a very small way and I've built up slowly to a steady, not strenuous, ten minutes every day which keeps me mobile. I never miss a day. I walk a lot, too. You don't have to start at the top, just one gentle exercise one day, same one the next, add on a bit of time or another exercise and gradually build up. The secret is to keep moving. I hope this helps because arthritic pain is awful and you have my sympathies.

I changed my doctor's surgery and a couple of weeks ago passed the same doctor at a zebra crossing. She stared at me as if to say, you still walking around? I ignored her. But unwittingly, she said the best thing she could have to help me so I suppose I should be grateful.
I would give my right arm just to be able to take my three little Yorkshire Terriers for a walk. Instad, I pay someone to take them three times a week. Apart from having osteoarthritis, I have no idea what is wrong with me, but life is no fun. I’m 72 now and was always reasonably fit and walked for miles, I don’t recognise my life now, but I have suddenly in the past months got terrible balance problems, so acared I fall all the time. Very down because of all these changes, and feel vulnerable.

All I would tell Julia is be careful of your boasting because I never said so at the time, but I looked better and was fitter than you boast of being now. You need to take some length off your hair too.

Julia your health and look can change in a heartbeat!
If you haven't been to your doctor, please go asap, feeling unwell is awful & being scared about it is even worse. I do wonder if Julia's illness is behind much of her showy offy behaviour & also her weight gain, whether from her medication or because she's indulging herself.
My exercise is done tending a large garden, walking & days spent with a three year old. We have double bend stairs & unless I'm carrying something I always run up them; when I do the ironing I take every item up separately, great for the thighs, not so good for the carpet!

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